
That last paragraph is an appeal to emotion, and it clouds the fact that most police pursuits are unnecessary and a danger to the public, demonstrated by the lack of anyone dying since this law as passed. The methods you describe as unreliable are more reliable than a pursuit that ends with damaged/destroyed property,

some guy they didn’t know just gave them the keys.

The dumb ones will be selling their trucks, houses, and toys for pennies on the dollar in a few years.

For real. We’re about to see a new round of 19-year-olds with brand new, lifted HD pickups, news dirt bikes/snow machines, and an inventory of flat-bill hats.

Everything that shit stain touches. Everything.

Boeing also works on competitive contracts with the US government. None of this happens in a vacuum, especially when you get Congress involved.

Republican made changes without thinking about unintended consequences.

like everything else that criminal touches, it turns into a f’ing disaster

Trump’s Air Force One Paint Job Likely to Be Scraped For Making the Planes Too Hot

The original livery is iconic and should not be messed with.

Anecdotal story - they used the Datsun name outside JDM to prevent potentially putting a bad mark on the Nissan name in the event of failure.

Everything was still Nissan under the badging.

My memory may be off a few years, but I believe it was the next generation of Z cars that were labeled as Datsun (by Nissan)

As a previous Z owner (4 of them, ranging between ‘74-76 models) - this one is too far rusted to be economically repaired.

Are there body panels available for most of it? Yep. Are they something that can be easily installed by most shops (assuming they will even touch it? Nope.

I am so glad my resto days are in the rear view mirror. I looked at the pics and I knew exactly what that car smells like.

NP if you’re looking for a parts car.

just find the tow lot and strike a deal with the owner. they will end up auctioning it off anyway (but given the shitpile this thing is, I’m guessing the junkyard is more likely)

Cut a deal with the supposed owner of the car and then bail it out of some towing yard? You gotta be kidding me!

At some point in the not too distant future, the survival of the company will depend on ejecting the Chief Crackpot from day-to-day operations.

Google suggestions when you search “Elio”: “Is the Elio ever coming out?”

What you’re asking for is an electric motorcycle. There are some very good electric motorcycles available right now and I expect many more once the big 4 Japanese manufacturers jump in the market

They are only legally allowed to go up to 28mph in the US (and restricted to 20mph in some places) and 20mph in Europe.