
I hate when companies release stats like this, because it is transparently an attempt to manipulate/provide fuel for lobbyists and politicians who would have no idea whether or not its a credible source (and in general don't care so long as it's something they can use).

No love for Cottonwork? Their shirts are excellent.

Had my beard since before my current relationship and my girlfriend has repeatedly stated if I shaved it off she'd leave me. Whether that's a joke or not (I hope not), sounds like this article may be a little quick to declare conclusive proof...

Does this mean I shouldn't hope for bone claws and laser eyes for a few generations?

To quote a (fictional) fellow Englishman: "I believe the phrase rhymes with 'Clucking Bell'."

I don't know, this kind of sounds good to me. Any measure that means less people being dicks to each other has to be good on some level...

Alternatively it'd be a nice souvenir of college or school upon graduation or something? I have 3 years left until I finish uni but when I do they may be getting some custom...

This would be fantastic if I hadn't already finished it. Nearly a half-year ago.

The home button has been the first thing to break on every iOS device I've owned (touch 1G, iPhone 3G +4, iPad 1G), so this might be an effort to avoid that?

@Lassus: It actually sounds like a benefit to me, although at the same time I realise it would be bad for a lot of people. On the iPad I feel fairly aimless a lot of the time, so a sense of purpose and gravity comes as a favourable quality.

All I'm going to say is they probably still make more a year than I will my entire life.

@Vidit: I'll probably be getting one of these for the same reason (already have an iPhone 4).

@Homerjay has ABSA Fever: I have the same problem. Seems to be a bug or error they haven't gotten round to yet.

Frankly, I'll eat anything that I like the taste of, can get a hold of, won't kill me and isn't unnecessarily cruel to something to produce.

Honestly? I don't, really. Nor do I ever feel the need to. Being connected to everything is just how my life is now, and I prefer it that way.

@cubiclegnome: The fact that you have to relate everything to penis size is definitely very Freudian.

@8thR: Seconded.

@Arnheim: Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Starfox, Pikmin, WiiSports (etc.) Resistance, Ratchet and Clank, LittleBigPlanet, probably more I could think of if I owned either system. Fair few, yeah.

@Paradox me: I went to see the film at the end of the cinema run and they had a ton of them left, so I managed to score something like 200 cards. I was the most popular kid at my school for about 10 minutes. :)