looking at the fron wheels...there doesn’e seem to be any corrective movement. SO unless holding on for dear life counts as a “save” I think the driver was just lucky.
and the american car factory with the most american content places Toyota emblems on it’s vehicles.
“i think the suspension just failed”. No Vettel, it did not “just fail” you jumped a curb like it was a ramp and thus ruined your GP.
Produced in relatively low numbers, and the MSRP keeps going up every year. Yep, that checks out! Really not sure why the wrangler keeps it’s value. They make plenty of them and lately they’re not very durable.
The problem with “siding “ with California is that any state could impose their own regulations which can end up in a mismatch of laws. For example there are state laws currently in the books regarding mudguards that contradict each other. Also, Toyota has not said they would not meet California’s. They currently do…
The choice under discussion here for Toyota, Subaru and GM is not about the specific mileage standard, rather it is about having a single regulatory agency and therefore one standard instead of many.
The choice under discussion here for Toyota, Subaru and GM is not about the specific mileage standard, rather it is about having a single regulatory agency and therefore one standard instead of many.
I count seven spokes.
Easy...any GM product.
Land Cruisers from any year, are crack at any price!
or worse... a minivan!
this study ignores so many factors...such as how shitty is the car next to me? is it a minivan? is there a curb to protect one side? Are the driver doors( (most likely to be opened) pointing away from the vehicle? Will the door open in the same direction as the wind?. I could go on for days.
If it gets the fa24 it should be easily/reliably tuned to 300+
It’s cheaper o get a rookie. Ussually they come with money of thier own and buy a seat.
Assuming the WSJ (it’s pretty right leaning “journal”) article is correct...two wrongs don’t make a right.
I can think of plenty of people who’s commute is well within that range. If this is one of two vehicles in a household it’s more than adequate.
Sad news. Loved her on Xtreme 4x4 and other shows. Godspeed!
1st Gear; I’ve been saying (really shouting) this for years. Shareholder “value” is short sighted. The markets used to move based on longer term returns and the interest of the shareholder and the company were similar. Now with trading done by supercomputers based on math models Stocks get traded based on the…