Spend an hour or so looking down the barrel of a gun, and watching your brothers do the same, all because of a malicious phone call.
Spend an hour or so looking down the barrel of a gun, and watching your brothers do the same, all because of a malicious phone call.
Ugh, Halo 5 beta looks fine i guess, for a 2010+ kind of game. I enjoyed Halo: CE's multiplayer more. You could wail on someone with a full clip and only get their shields. That made your weapon choices, and tactical decisions (ie: bunny hopping) so much more important than what modern shooters emphasize, like say;…
For fun i made the new lumbridge in minecraft, so i can appreciate the work that was put into this.
I think that lower notes would, but if its THAT close i would assume she is holding a higher note
Fare thee well loot cave, we hardly knew yea
I think everyone should know the source for this.
I'm 20, but to be fair i only know this because family guy so...
20% more Doom. Give or take.
I'm spit on revelations honestly. I never took to ezio after 2 because he came across as trying to get tail most of the time, while the story was completely forgettable in revelations. The game play was fun as heck though, if completely OP for the player. That and Yusuf. I liked Yusuf.
I don't know if this mod has, but at the very least a mod accomplishing this has been out for YEARS now. So not really a new thing.
they should have used an oculus rift for the roller coaster. :)
Okay, if it's THAT bad, someone probably drew it with a pen then posted that it was a terrible tattoo. No way that's real. Unless everyone involved was dead drunk.
25, lol
Aha, saw the reverse lotus from Naruto. Nice.
Bookmarking this for after i play it. Its sitting in my library right now, i will play it once i get over the fact that i cant plug and play, i have to fiddle with it to get it to work in Win7
At release: "Hey, this seems kinda cool, sure it sounds a little grindy, but loot caves! lol"
The left pics kinda look like someone (neatly) colored in a manga, and the right is the anime. Needless to say, after seeing the difference, i will never go back to the left side again.
Skyrim + Metro?
Progress, the end result of the inevitable march of time, brother.
Da chil' O' prophecie hath com phorth into da relm uf moartuls!