I thought he had them stashed in his body too. Albeit in the usual way.
I thought he had them stashed in his body too. Albeit in the usual way.
I agree that it's retarded to have to authenticate for free items. It pisses me off too. I put up with 2 factor though, however i don't get asked every week.
Is it the kind of energy bar that makes you pay to continue playing after an hour or so, unless you're fine with waiting a day for it recharge halfway?
Maybe "Worsens GTA Online Server Issues Still Further" would be a more accurate title.
You know, switching perspectives like that makes me wonder, what would dead space play like in first person? Aside from terrible aiming, and the inability to see status bars.
Plus its not like they buy the studio, then it and everything related to it disappears into a black void. The main reason fro buying a studio is the IP and talent it has. Shutting down a studio is more like finishing merging a studio into the EA family. The IP and some talent gets reallocated to other studios and…
Hey, never said it was a good thing.
I always thought that's what the title implied. That the sky (Space) is so vast that no man can own it, control it, impose order on it. Space belongs to no man, "No Man's Sky"
The sims is handled by a seperate sudio, as mentioned above. The Sims Studio. Since they arent mentioned as being shut down, i assume the Sims is fine. Plus EA still owns SimCity, they can hire new people to make a game whenever they want.
My guess? An infusion of saiyan DNA, he is Super Frieza!
Just watch, 3 months from now after the prizes go out or whenever they do, some group releases the original list. Those first winners are gonna be FURIOUS.
Frankly, I'm waiting for twitch play's Civ.
Looks bad ass. Been looking for a solid fighter game for a while. Maybe i'll give this beta program a shot.
Hide the body.
L.A. Noire, Drive every vehicle in the city, 0.76% of players have it.
Manga can't update fast enough for me. I really like this series.
So CoD gets to base its main antagonist after a real life dictator, yet this game makes a (somewhat strong) reference to a disgraced scientist, and changes it the moment people bring it up?
Imagine, playing spelunky with a payout reward for how much you collected once you beat the game.
Are you kidding? All the DLC is ridic expensive. Play Sims 2!