
I think theres 4 or more, inaction is also a choice at the end.

Thats what all the pictures look like.

I wasn't wholly sure about that and decided to err on the side of ignorance. Glad i was wrong though. :)

Remember that DLC is free for this game. Not what nickle and diming means. Plus the 'Expansions' are to be reasonably priced (and have a price a full expansion should, it requires much more work that a simple DLC costume pack)

Good on them, for having the guts to admit they misjudged their ability to finish by the initially stated time. Ubisoft could learn something here.

You know, even if the gameplay is horrible, its boring, and theres nothing to do,

PvP looks like it would be a nightmare, especially against friggin archers. God trying to catch up to them in heavy armor would be suicidal

Technically being force sensitive just makes wielding the thing easier. According to the fiction, the saber generates an unpredictable shifting field around itself that causes it to sort of "jerk" back and forth, causing your aim whilst swinging to, put mildly, "get done f*cked up luke".

"No tweets from me next 3 days, really ashamed, again sry everyone"

"you are going to level up killing low-level bandits and then be overleveled for the story content and areas that are actually cool.

Hmm, Needs more Gundam 00 burgers :)

If publishers put out working games, then maybe i would have more incentive to put down $50-$60 on a game. But with this crap going on i am perfectly content to wait for $20 on steam. And then wait another month or two for a sale and get it for $5.

The mario in the desert, as he snaps up to face the camera, rage in his eyes, why does this scene remind me of MGS V?

Thank god i'm not the only one who thought this. Every freaking time i play, gandhi is just such an ass. While i'm busy making friends with the other leaders, gandhi is crying in a corner "WE DECLARE WAR ON YOU" or "YOU HAVE MADE AN ENEMY OF ME" and such BS for no good reason. I swear he'll do it out of the blue and i

*Looks up with innocent eyes*

I love that the guy in the vid probably watches football, baseball, or some form of sport on TV. Is that any different?

Please, oh god please dont remind me of that. I was disappointed enough watching the original after i saw fate/zero

I believe in Eureka 7, there is a scene where space (and maybe time too) is distorted around a massive anomalous storm, and two airships are shooting lasers at each other and have to account for gravitational distortion, curving then around the anomaly.

Every day i want to read more and more on this game, and every day i fear more and more that ANYTHING i read could spoil even the tiniest bit of the game for me :(