
I hate Illinois Nazis.

If they hadn't (spoiler) killed Dumb Bonkers Robin in Part II, I could have held out hope that Part III featured a foot race between Master Wayne and Master Grayson.

You saw the pilot too?


Are you familiar with Vicious? It's Ramsay and Gandalf in a will they/won't they comedy set in contemporary London.

Five for slashing

I remember wanting to see Club Paradise because, Robin Williams. Mom wisely did not take me. However, our family has a huge heart for One Crazy Summer and Mannequin. Saw those in the theater then dozens of times on cable. Hollywood made me homophobic before he gave me some of my gay sensibilities.

Bitch please. Pearl is the hottest guy ever on this side of the pit crew, but several times he turned away from the camera during the lip sync. I thought his best performance all season was in the male female dance number, when he was flicking the dollar bills. He needs w bit more of that

Yes! I was thinking Riddler too. It looked hideous with her flat grey hair

Ginger invented obstacles she was "overcoming," the biggest of which was her "inability to dance." Watching her crush her lip sync last night, I thought of her showing Trixie the Macarena (if you needed proof of her age, look no further) as an example of her dancing skill. It's hard in a room full of Men dressing as

Ginger is every bit of 29 as I am

* Bob opens door only to discover A DEAD BODY hanging in the doorway *

If Ginger wins, she'll be the biggest queen and the biggest bitch to hoist the crown. Ultimately the measure of a winner ought to consider "would I pay to see this person perform," and the only one in the top three that hits that is Violet.


I'm posting all his articles in my locker. Which will be awkward for the rest of the locker room.

Ginger lies when she cries


She was serving '90s Marvel Comics villain in place of '90s hip-hop.

I'm don't have to click to know you're sending an angel

Oh man that would have been amazing