
This reminds me of an ex of mine who insisted that you should not be called a professional musician unless 100% of your income was from performing music. Um... sorry, no. 99.99% of professional musicians have day jobs or part-time jobs because unless you're incredibly fucking lucky and make it big, or win one of the

No worries. Someone's already posted it.

i can name like 50 fucking magazines he's not in

I figured it out, but I'm debating whether to post it here in the comments or email Erin or what

If it's published, it MUST be good! Look at 50 Shades of Grey!!

He must think that because he compiles public information and calls it a book, and it sells, than the PUA books he reads must also have value.

Oh, it's safe to assume that Nicholas Sparks is an awful thing we've all been subjected to. He's basically called himself this generation's Hemingway, BLERGH. (Full disclosure: I'm not Hemingway's biggest fan, but FUCK THAT NOISE.)

WHO IS IT. This is the height of importance.

We need a city so we can start narrowing this down a bit. I am a writer, and there's a 72% chance I'm Facebook friends with this guy. I just need some clues to narrow it down a bit...

Apparently he copy pasted that message to a ton of women today. Shockingly it didnt end well.

OMG, you have to tell us.

Somebody's gotta know. Author, 39, boston, white, dark beard. Hmmm?

Guys I don't appreciate you using my OKCupid texts!

"Being a writer means that's your job, that's your income."

It's possible, but I see Nicholas Sparks as more of a fedora-wearing "my lady" type, less aggressive that the douche canoes that went to Phillips Exeter.

No way. Definitely Nicholas Sparks.

Guys, I actually believe that this was Dan Brown. WHO WANTS TO START A RUMOR WITH ME???

i'm really excited about this thread because i know good and goddamn well that someone is going to figure out who this shit-piece is and reveal it to all. so excite.

This is the first time I have ever been genuinely curious as to who the d-bag was. Any guesses?

The IKEA assembly manual writer. Of course he's a douche.