
Canada works a bit differently than the US on this. It’s unlikely he’ll actually be released after 18 years. He’s very likely to be designated a dangerous offender, which means he will be held indefinitely at the pleasure of the government, long after his 18 years are up. (Quick example: serial killer Paul Bernardo is

LOL! Yes, I was totally joking ... although they do look rather jolly ;)

I DID NOT KNOW THIS!! But like, even in the summer? With the fur trim?

...Not sure if joking, but, that is the uniform of our Supreme Court justices.

Fucker should be in jail for life. Any parental/adult figure who sexually abuses children should never, ever get out of jail.

Also, he was convicted of 12 charges and only gets 18 years in jail for abusing those poor children??????

I clicked on this article thinking it was going to be something semi-amusing. Then I saw that and all hopes of amusement were thrown out the window, onto the road, and repeatedly run over.

Having been a juror in a brutal assault case: Very, very badly.

“He was charged with bestiality after forcing the girls to put peanut butter on their genitals so the family dog could lick it off.”

One of the guys who helped her was found sobbing when the police got there because he was so upset about what he saw. Let’s dwell on that for a second. Mr. Rapist Brock Tuner tried to claim it was consensual but when two guys found them, Convicted Rapist Brock Turner started to RUN and one of the guys who found them

Not only that, but one of them was apparently appalled enough by what they saw to be sobbing when they gave their statements. Totally sounds like a misunderstanding, right? Political correctness run amok?

That I’m-one-of-the-cool-girls belief is so sad. “I’m not like the other girls! I’ve seen the way you treat other girls. You treat them like shit. I’m not like that! Don’t treat me like shit!”

She’s in a Haim wannabe band, so I’m going with All of the above.

Cool Girls have that special~~ brand of internalized misogyny though! “I’m not like those feminazis who punish male sexuality—I’m a Cool Girl!”

Both? Cool Girls got all the internalized misogyny.

So is she trying to be a Cool Girl (TM) or is it just run of the mill internalized misogyny/rape culture?

I think his “childhood friend” has maybe had the hots for him forever and he totally ignored her. So her letter is a.) her getting out her anger that another girl—an UNCONSCIOUS girl—managed to get what she herself had always wanted, so of COURSE it’s that girl’s fault; and b.) I think she’s hoping he’ll see her as

Leslie Rasmussen and her band Good English are headliners of the Dayton Music Art and Film Festival in September. Go to their Facebook page and tell them RAPE APOLOGISTS should not be the face of an inclusive, celebratory event.

Pour over coffee is somewhat similar to drip, where you saturate your coffee grounds slowly and evenly with hot water and allow the coffee to move through a filter into a collection vessel below. You tend to use a bit more coffee with a pour over, and the process is manual, so you stand there with a kettle, making

Now playing

That appears to be the case, yes. Here is the product link on the manufacturer's site.