
Is that where he first started using the slogan "Pure Michigan"?


Also, the notifications function is all messed up in this half-completed half-assed implementation. If people's problem with this is anything, it's with poor functionality, it's not just fussing over comments being "at the side now (ha-ha how silly of them to react so)."

In many places that use technology "testing before implementation" is something of a thing.

If "fizzled out" is an apt description for any show, it perfectly fits the way that show ended.
Just imagine if Buffy had tried to give us a mostly-Willowless last season.

" If I knew him in real life, I would want to kick him in the nuts, but I do think the character is interesting to watch."

Especially if he smells like he looks.

That, and when an impression reaches a sort of "decadent" phase of mostly just hitting or super-exaggerrating the signature sounds that the impressionist has identified in the subject they're doing.
Example: Vanessa Bayer's "Rachel from Friends" impression. By the time they had Jennifer Aniston come on to "confront"

So, walk to another one, then.

Well, Trump's is definitely the most depressing.

They should do a reboot of Grumpy Old Men that reunites him and Donald Sutherland.

I'm pretty sure I first noticed that it was a fatter cat with snaggle teeth when she snatched him, and recognized him as the same cat when she called him Mr. Business in a later episode.
(Just to be clear, this "bothering" me isn't meant as some kind of disapproval of the show, just my appreciation of the

"Arr, they do say that under the waxing moon, the phantom registrar comes right through the main meeting hall, shrieking his dire warning of the fate that awaits all those who fail to wear their membership badges when trying to attend core programming events."

I was torn, then I hovered over your avatar and saw "Private account" which means I am automatically forced to arbitrarily declare you in the wrong.

It still bothers me to this day that Gayle fucking stole Mr. Business, from someone who doesn't know if he was killed or what.

I could also see some sort of horrifyingly unqualified/unsuited substitute teacher (or better yet, scab during a teacher's strike/lockout) at the kid's school, it wouldn't be out of step with the show's version of working-class American life.

I've always (well, since it was released, obv) preferred the "big & little brothers left in charge of the house" vibe of the Dick & Damien B+R over the Batman & Son team.

"To be pedantic…"
Who, you??? Inconceivable!!

Plus, tomato over-lubricates the layers of a sandwich or burger, making it more likely to slide apart and be a mess.
Not to mention that fast-food tomato slices are nasty, underripe flavorless pale-colored things. I love tomatoes, but I'll pass on them in sandwiches if they're not ones I've hand-chosen and thinly

It was definitely a house (as in a single-family detached dwelling).