
"usually quiet except for the main characters"

"Hi, I'm Red, and these are my friends, Spike, Ginger, and Mr. Lipstick!"

There was apparently a bunch of hints (and clips!) at ComicCon, seemingly covered by just about every other nerdly website in existence but this one.

I know.
For that early era, I'm thinking of things like Spy and the fact that a lot of New York local news ends up being world news due to so much media & publishing being channeled through there.
I mentioned the Apprentice as a separate observation (hence the brackets), just as an "even if that was someone's first

Hey, it just occurred to me: they should totally troll the anti-woman-Doctor folks by having the Daleks be really mad about it, with them paraphrasing some of the uglier objections.

Someone whose comment you upvoted 6 months ago; see if that translates to flavor.

"I was, like, a different person then, man! Don't you get it?"
Being surly over the stolen guitar has all my sympathy, but that other shit is just sheer insufferable eyeroll-bait.

I really need to watch Thewlis again in some of his other roles just to wash the image of the Varga teeth from my mind.

I think he's busy being the Gotham version of Ra's Al Ghul next season anyway, so don't panic.

"Can I at least just take a picture with my pho-"
"NO! I need it written out, with you putting your heart and soul into it so I really get what it was like to be there with the actual turd when it happened. I will settle for nothing less where my dog's health is concerned!"

And are people actually hovering above the bowl & seat and moving around in some sort of spiral to ensure that every exposed surface of the toilet is well coated?

I finally saw Barry Lyndon last year, expecting not to make it through to the end because its reputation and comments like yours led me to believe it would be dull (I had been putting it off and putting it off…), and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
The way its fans raved about the lighting and camerawork used

I've been to worker's paradise,
But I've never been to me.

Thanks. That and the private account tell me all I need to know.

I don't really care for that term, actually; ever since Newt Gingrich used to rail against "entitlement programs" way back in his first heyday, I've associated critical use of the term "entitlement" with rightie scum.
I tended to be very uncomfortable with it when it surfaced years later to apply to over-demanding

Stupid reasons like stupid people didn't watch a good thing I liked because they're stupid.
That's who I always blame when something I like goes: my stupid fellow audience members. That doesn't contradict your "cancelled because not enough people watched" reasoning at all.

Well, maybe some adaptation will use that one someday, then.

Thank you for opening up about this.

Imagen Poots?

It's been an ongoing fuss since the character was introduced, with the writer who created him specifying "raysh," and a lot of evidence (as mentioned elsewhere in this thread) that it's more likely linguistically, while a lot of fans & other writers (and TV/movie producers/directors/writers/actors) preferring the