
It also seems like the poorer they are the more expensive they get, too.
Last week, I passed on driving across town to get a really great one for $3.25, and went to a new place just a few blocks from me, where I paid $5.95 for a definitely quite "meh" one.

Well, shredding up gum so that kids think they're getting a hit of nicotine and giving themselves oral cancer is kind of amusing.

The only proper punchline (as in you see Reggie's feet springing out of the panel on the last line) to that would be to have Midge reveal that she already knew and doesn't care as she and Moose had been bi poly lifestyle swingers anyway, or that she's extra pissed at Reggie for screwing up the convenient mutual beard

Have Midge be cool with it/into it.

The one thing I would have liked to have seen is for him to stick it out just one more season, so that there is a bit of overlap, instead of "new showrunner, new Doctor" becoming the expected way of things for modern day Who.
I'm really not on board with the whole "well, of course these changes make sense together"

It's fun to make.

No, it fucking didn't.

Watching Cooper drone through Randian speeches while staring unhappily into the middle distance is one of the few really amusing aspects of the film.

Which was itself a parody of an actual existing Christian superhero show: someone brought it up when that VB episode was being discussed here, I believe it was called "Bible Man" and aired on some Christian stations or Sunday morning programming block or something, which is why it's not super-widely known.

Ask her if she had to keep explaining "no, I mean like gay as in retarded!"

Well then, it just wouldn't have been Apprentice, would it?

Hey man, you're the one who thought it was acceptable behavior to call first.
Kind of automatically puts you on the wrong side.

Attach a Swiffer to their balls and you have dust-free floors forever.

They say white dog poop has largely vanished from North America due to the banning of a once-ubiquitous ingredient.

Yeah, you're most likely right.

Even better were the cut Klingon scenes from Trek '09 that were on the DVD extras: the Kingons wore face-covering helmets that had the ridges, but you never saw under them, so you didn't know if they were purely decorative, if they reflected the features underneath or if they were compensating for the wearers being

I can't quite remember which one Gorshin played. I could swear I remember him being the one to say "can't you see? He's white on the wrong side!" which would make him one of the oppressor class, but maybe my memory's switching it just because it's the more-memorable Frank Gorshin and the other guy actually said it.

Charles Laughton's teenage daughter in that is played by a young Prunella Scales, which was a nice surprise when I saw the movie as an adult, one scene with her having stuck in my head after seeing it sick in bed as a child (due to it being where I learned that Brits used "pudding" to mean "dessert").

I totally remember back when Singulatarian used to quip about pop culture shit like a normal commenter.
As far as I can tell, Velocirapstar still does quite frequently.
I'm not blocking either of them, but that's more about my ongoing thing of how Disqus' blocking function is worthless garbage and I'm not using it, no

Man-Thing isn't really Man-Thing until Gerber takes it over.