
Not only was "Move Along Home" one of DS9's worst episodes, it was also "episode that shows up oddly often in reruns, and will always be on when someone you've nagged into giving the show a try will finally end up tuning in."
Seriously. Every damn time.

Did you just get here or something?

The depression-bottom's ad on Craigslist specified no physically rough stuff.

"This one is not here just to sit there and observe that a screaming man is upset. That would be useless."

What's absurd is that it's DC fans who are getting on their high horse about not being silly, like they're somehow the natural home of all that is gritty and realistic, in direct contradiction of decades of publishing history.

Sure, but maybe if there was some legitimate avenue for such spaces to exist, there could be some degree of regulation which could result in fewer fatalities, is more what I'm getting at.
And that "such a thing (by which I don't mean deadly unregulated-safetywise buildings, but more non-traditional-business usages of

Since his power isn't to make you shut up out of guilt when you complain about Loebs' crappy latter-day work (after Long Halloween or the ones with a color in the title), probably not.

"Christian is easy enough to fake if necessary"

It was ludicrous enough a season to have a suddenly-revealed organization of super-scientists bring him back to life, and have that be the reason for his amnesia.

See? Bland food is bad for the temper.

I can never relate when people say that the big bird-centered Western feast meal of the Thanksgiving/Christmas variety represents their favorite food. The setting, connecting with those close to you, sure, but the actual dishes? Never my favorite, just sort of okay-to-fine and not much more.
Everything about turkey is

Where are Curly and Meadowlark? And what's that? You're saying even if Granny was real, she'd be long dead by now?

He has not made eye contact with another human being for almost four years.

I'm annoyed, by it, and complain about it frequently when we have those mini-threads in the Modern Family reviews, but I'm not quitting the rest of the show over it.
I did get annoyed by tonight's ep, as they made it through the whole thing without referring to that plot (and I liked the continued dismissal of Erica's

Don't Fart
(You know, because in this one they really play up his movie-blind-guy super-sense-of-smell.)

Yeah, "the Future" is definitely the most fitting response from the Cohen catalog.

Thank you.
I started this account during one of the many AVC account troubles, so the whole "resurfacing under a new identity" aspect seemed to fit…

If you can come up with that reference line, you should get what the deal is with my AVC and disqus profile pics (which I've had this way for months without anybody getting it).

Maybe they can convince Robert Redford to do one last voice role as an old pipe.

The sport coat/blazer thing doesn't work.