
Also, my memories of going to the movies in the late 70s/early 80s as a teenager was of strolling past apathetic theatre employees to see pretty much what we felt like regardless of rating unless it was a hard "R" with a reputation for being extra-raunchy.
Both the ratings and their enforcement at the theatre level

I loved the Miami Vice outfit even as I snickered at what was so obviously the shore of the Fraser River being billed as "Miami" (even though it looks like they filmed it during our summer heatwave).

Exactly: when people are telling relatives to fuck off this upcoming holiday season, don't forget that the people you thought were on your side who stayed home deserve it just as much.

How is not being dead good news this week?

Hey, a staff member! Do YOU guys know anything about our inaccessible AVC accounts?

Time to complain that AVC's obit isn't up yet!

Yeah, I think the whole "where were the protestors on Tuesday" argument kind of misses the point, as the people who stayed home, content in the knowledge that others would vote the right way on their behalf are staying home for these, as they stay home for everything.
Everyone should be way harsher on their "I never

"But to remove him from office…"
Wow, those are some super-effective t-shirts.

But the musical equivalent of (actual, gooey, physical) snot.

I was noticing that, and the fact that they've been doing it for a couple of seasons now. I thought that kind of shit had a more limited shelf life.

The pony is already in steak form. Just make sure you have a chest freezer.

I have an excellent reason for not seeing Veep, as much as I might like JDL. It's the same reason I have for not watching "Girls" (which had nothing to do with being on any sort of Lena Dunham hate train, as much as some seemed to believe that was the only conceivable reason).
It's called "not everybody has HBO, which

That gag has never, ever been funny, for one.

They should totally recycle the old villain-romances-aunt-May plot for the movies with the Vulture; maybe they could meet at some community seniors game night or something.
Considering recent casting, Michael Keaton (who I hope is made to look on the older side of his able-to-play range) could totally be seen dating a

If you're going to be all "stay focused on the shittiness of this hell-world we're now in, and no distractions," I'm going back to bed.

Well, at least it closed down a few years back.

We're all in hell. "Maybe I'll get hit by a truck and die instantly if I go out" is the purest expression of optimism I can summon right now.

More just "hoping the world isn't as evil and shitty a place as it can often turn out to be" than anything, really.

The posts are still there, and you can still get the "non-user's list" of the account's posts by clicking on the avatars, so "purged our pasts" doesn't seem like the case. I'm definitely going to keep trying, and will only panic/give up if it's still like this tomorrow.
And seriously, has nobody tried bugging Disqus or

Has anyone tried hassling disqus or AVC about it yet?