
Well, like "misandrist," "SJW" and the like, usage of those terms is at least a handy indicator that one is dealing with a fucking idiot.

The only problem is that the last-ditch efforts of the rear-guard of the forces of repression have become extra vicious and over the top insane/extreme in their desperation at the prospect of it all being over for them in the forseeable future.
Like some of these wackjob laws so in the news lately.

That's still a positive grade: the scale goes to "F," the positive/negative dividing line is somewhere in the middle of "C," and just because they're using letter grades doesn't mean the show's trying to get into Harvard.
Why do people persist in treating anything below the "A" range as a slam?
A mild compliment like

That is you are red flag?

You're all replying way more civilly than anyone using a private account is entitled to.

I haven't been that pleasantly surprised by a spot-on impression out of the mouth of a pop singer since Christina Aguilera's Kim Cattrall.

Well, that's not such a terrible thing, considering the fact that the 21st Century offers only dead dreams & despair.

"I didn't watch tonight's episode but-"
Stop there.
Nope. Not ever.

Applegate guest-shot: Kelly is now a frighteningly rising Republican congresswoman.

CW Seed is just another way to spurt new content on the audience.

Unless it's a euphemism for something.

I'm kind of hoping he at least lives to see one Saul Goodman TV commercial, seeing as they're such a spit in the eye to his notions of lawyerly propriety; in hindsight (as it were), they almost look like a taunting response to everything Chuck stands for.

"write her out of the show"

When he started his talk to Mike about not needing him anymore, you could almost hear the legions of audience members thinking "dude, you are so fucked."
Everything is going to go horribly wrong for him very soon; what we have to look forward to is exactly how, and how cringeworthy his denial and incredulity is going

Any other sport, you could actually at least play along with the notion that actual gameplay events had taken place more than about three times in the space of an hour.

I know; I just wanted to say something snarky about football's problems.

"there appear to be alternating fumbles and touchdowns every ten seconds"

Loved Damien's Bond villain jacket.

Yeah, no, not so much in this instance, really.
As a slightly-older-than-the-character ex-cool old guy, I'm going to dismiss that out of hand and stick with my previous statement, thanks.

Those girls were just being nice. To have someone acknowledge that you were cool in your time and still own a chunk of it is more than most of us can even dream of hearing. Her reaction seemed more like one you'd see in response to the typical sitcom-cool-kid's "oh, it's an old person who's always been like this"