Edith Spencer

Mikkelson: Hey honey, I'm home. Say, pack your things and tell the kids to get ready; We're going to Mykonos!
Mrs. Milkkelson: Oh, but how can we afford it? We have to pay taxes to the Kingdom, there's rent here and everything else.
Mikkelson: No, work is paying for it.
Mrs. Mikkelsomn: Baby, du er den bedste!


YUP. I just realized that on second viewing. Never mind Hannibal scent nor his pretty handwriting; Jack read his love letter (yes, prisoners don't have privacy in terms of letters, but still) but then slipped that paper in to mess with Will's tranquility.

Seriously, right? A commenter below notes that Hannibal wears the costume of a cultured gentleman. Hannibal is in fact a spoiled 14 year old, in throes of his first crush, wanting his company and wanting to beat him up at the same time. The whole "Didja get my letter? You burnt it, didn't ya? Still with the shitty

I can imagine how all this went down during the script reads, and Mikkelson and Dancy have a Serious Method Talk about how to approach this. After a while, they probably just said "fuck it, whatever, let just do this as written and let implications fall where they may."

Argh! Good Tuesday morning to you!

You know that's right. Jeeze, politicians love to talk about the Nanny State but are so DEEPLY concerned about what you are doing in the privacy in your home…

The odd thing is that many of these writers for tv are NOT that old- not even 50. They really should know better. When the performers are more adept with current technology and trends that you, the show writer, then that is a problem.

And availability of therapeutic drugs. As many crazy mofos we have out there with guns, so many more have successful med treatment and do more productive things, like video games.

Right. Mikkelson is utterly terrifying in the role because he gives depth and yes, humanity to the monstrous evil Lecter.

YES Yes Yes. I have not descended into the slashiness bit, but for the reason as a daughter of a nurse, I just cringe at the idea of Hannibal ever bedding a former patient.

Yes, agreed. Which really makes me wonder 'what if' with those three, if Will had NOT decided to work with Jack to catch Hannibal . Would Will, Hannibal and Abby would be living it up in Florence or Rome- or would Hannibal just killed them both because love Hannibal style?

Wait. Wait.
I just did a google search on this, and I am amazed.Damn, fandom.

Okay, you are now my new friend, because you totally cop to reason why so many straight people go to gay clubs- cheap strong drinks and drugs.

Santorum is not in the closet; he's in the damn attic with grandma's feather boa.

Someone needs to write that fanfic.
Hannibal is not crazy, not a psychopath: he's just a an Alien, like Superman, doing his Alien thing.

That needs to made into an anime. Like now.

And…Happy Monday to you, too!

He also has a sleek Apple laptop and wears (hella expensive) country chic, but you (as a viewer) don't see this very modern man using modern gadgets in a useful way!

Torchwood tried too damn hard, but there was no real intimacy with Jack Harkness, awesome as he is. I think with Hannibal, the almost claustrophobic intimacy with Hannibal and Will, plus the homoeroticsm and strange sensuality of the show, has people thinking ROMANCE when it is really is Obsessive abuse.