Edith Spencer

I am double locking my doors tonight!

YUP the face. If it makes feel any better , off camera there will be sophisticated plastic surgeons who can damn near fix ANYTHING.
I have seen reconstructive surgery that just amazed me. Lasers, silicones, fillers, skin grafts and such.

Yes! So I picked up that book and read it. WOW. The way the dude constructed the houses and tricked all those poor young women….

Will's (good) Southern nature literally came out there- he was and still genuinely appalled by Freddie's opportunism and generally shitty nature!

As someone with kinky curly hair let me say an amen to that

Huge salad with grilled beef, sliced peaches, cucumber on a bed of mixed greens and herbs. Water. Non people beer, but only about 4 ounces of it.

THIS X Infinity.
"Oh, okay, Hannibal, he's sunk to a new- oh, but wait a minute!"

I have been talking with a couple of IRL fans about whether we would see any echos of Hopkins! Lecter, and it was this episode that showed the beginnings of that.

Its bizzarro world and I do wonder if this is supposed to be about 10 years ago or so!

HOLY GOD. THAT BOOK. And it's all true!

Doesn't she run an S&M zoo, though?

Remember that crazy sexy scene in S2? I think Hannibal or Will or BOTH were hallucinating that they were a 3 way with Alana.

If by making out you mean *spoilers* Will being badly hurt, once again, then yes!
These guys show their affection by trying to kill one other.

I dunno. In the books (spoilers) Will is gravely injured and possibly disfigured (again). Now, given our technology is so much more advanced than when the book was written, Will will probably not be disfigured for long. On the outside, that is.

DAMN. Just- DAMN. I am hoping she is as smart as she was first half of the show and does not ry anything stupid, like being alone with Hannibal in a room without chains and a muzzle!

It's NBC new hilarious hit series, It's Our Hannibal, starring Mads Mikkelson!

Prosecution: You made a ham out of a person.

Because he is a guest star. There is a whole weird protocol to billing; it often includes the actor themselves demurring on main billing, which I suspect was the case for Armitage.

It was slow, to be sure, but come on, you totally want to see Will (spoilers) et horribly hurt again, doncha? To tell the truth, I am beyond sick of that.
For serious, I am now watching this as part of Drunk Brunch* at my house, and i do want to see how Dolarhyde is interpreted by Armitage.

Oh, i am quietly terrified for Alana and seriously hoping she comes out alive, whole and sound!