Edith Spencer

Such a sweet guy!

"Do they maybe just believe that heat-seeking missiles just target niggas with hypertension?"

We will read TONS more, trust and believe. On DailyKos, a democrat leaning site, you have to play Whack a Mole with bullshit 'progressives' who write about these poor, poor White people, doesn't anyone JUST care. It's satisfying though to see other White Democrats call these fools out, though.

Some White women are completely okay with that, though. They are okay with being second class citizens because that means they are not truly responsible for anything, and so do not have to make decisions about their bodies and lives that do not revolve around a White man.

But even now he's used to becoming a Were-man, so he has retain his snark in his werewesen state!

But later it was the Pah Wraiths, so….?

Oh shoot- I almost forgotten that nonsense.


*dies laughing* So, so true.

One small correction : Taylor Swift will be making Loki babies.

Oh holy moly!

Everyone- listen to her! YIKES! I have had a scan of my ovaries and they are STILL JAM PACKED. It's crazy!

Late to this, but damn, is this ever so well said. *raises wine glass to you*

Okay so not quite healthcare but insurance information involving icd9. Out of network rules by insurance companies are still subject to the ACA, so would need to have that in mind as well. Consumers are not able to code their visits nor meds, not yet anyways.

What type of healthcare startup?

Thank you, wild cougar. I work in tech, and the BS pushed by youngish White men (and it's almost ALWAYS youngish White guys) and that is FUNDED is amazing. Making stuff for people or providing a necessary service for people is almost always the province of Asian, Latino and African Americans. It may not be a quick

OMG. Just…OMG!


That should have had an additional disclaimer: " Real humans do not stand the extremities shown. View discretion advised."

Yes, that- and the fact that both were rather badly injured- Hannibal was STILL in shock and pain from being shot, Will stabbed multiple times, including the HEAD.That they still had the strength to at least stagger up and embrace is HUGE!