Edith Spencer

Not everybody likes the Snow White look on guys(full lips, curly/wavy dark hair, light ski)- and that is more than okay!

There were a a couple of episodes in S1 where (for ME) Dancy indicated that suppressed cold violence you refer, and it CREEPED ME THE FUCK OUT, because of Dancy's attractive face and slender figure contradicted the look of focused rage that flashed on his face.

Also, you watch season 1+2 in a sitting? Jesus, I can't even do two episodes in one sitting!

We watch theatre (because that is what TV) with our hearts. I think Dancy's creation of Will is brilliant, honestly, but it is a performance that MUST speak to you, because this Will BEFORE Hannibal was not an easily likeable person- Dancy brought to life an actual functioning person with spectrum disorder, who has

I think..

Yikes, you say that, but wait until Red Dragon…

Ever get the feeling even IF Hannibal succeed in having Will for lunch in FLorence, Hannibal would have been regretful and pissed for a day or two after, like going o a donut bender?

Believe or not, this is called Screen Acting. No, seriously- this type of acting was/is in existence before Stanislavsky/Strasberg Method, in which every move and emotion is dialed WAY, WAY DOWN because the actors are being filmed in closeup.

Well, it made him VERY rich indeed- so a fu and enough money to reire to Europe!

On a Saturday IN THE SUMMER, MIND.

Granted. When I was in Copenhagen, the assertion amongst some of the guys and girls is that of the two, Lars is handsomer and more talented (ouch) but Mads is way more famous and perhaps richer. This is what I was told; I think it is a case of YMMV and that both do very distinctive, very different sorts of

A new friend starting watching the show, and he has said that when it focusing on Will/Hannibal, it's too damn much, too emotionally draining, because while Wil is this universe's version of a good man, he is deeply damaged and flawed, and his flaws are exaggerated and made worse when he is in orbit around Hannibal.

Those are features, not bugs. And when Will was at his prettiest AND at his utter worse- most of season 2, when Will plots various means to KILL- NOT CAPTURE, KILL Hannibal- that was also when Hannibal went from seeing Will as a toy to Will as a platonic lover.

Right though? The violent tastes and manipulation ability ARE features Hannibal looks for his friends, not bugs.

Through out the seasons it DOES seem that people are whispering or talking in normal room tone, which is very quiet. I know that it is a choice made for the series (it's as if the evil done cannot be openly declaimed, only whispered about- only Jack and maybe Team Science spoke crisply and clearly). But it can be

Oh, that is what I was trying to say! And you hit right on the head- The Mikkelsons are very Proto-Nordic looking to me; Lars and Mads look EXACTLY like long dead Viking/Jute kings. I have also met Danes with softer, more subtle, finer features and you are right: I would tend to find Viggo and Nikolaj 'prettier' and

This is what makes the Hannibal/Will so intriguing: Those two have been extremely intimate, just not sexually.

It's become a bit of a cruel joke that the actor himself has acknowledged (in one of the Post Mortems. there is reference to the great character actor Lars Mikkelson, Mads older, prettier brother. Mads said that he had to look up some English words and Scott then says "well, gee, don't feel bad, if we wanted a good

Hey there! I have gone through this and a couple of friends have gone through this.

But who is the wife, and who is the mistress? Oh my!