Edith Spencer


Poor Mads:

You can attempt to set up a trust that way, yes, specifying that the only sons of a son can inherit, ad 30 odd years ago, when these books were written, that was indeed true. Not anymore- trust and will set up like this are challenged and broken up all the time.
And consider, SBC, for all their many faults, would not

Depends on where the trial and where they determine the scene crimes to be. IN the real world, Hannibal would most likely be tried under Federal law and either sent to a SuperMax or executed, because the FBI got involved and FBI agents were hurt.

In the real world, primogeniture is not really recognized anymore when it comes to the distribution of an estate, especially one as large as the Vergers where is a lot of money and (innocent) employees involved. SBC would actually want to steer clear of the whole sordid mess, anyways.

You just planted that desire in my head and now I can't stop.
Remember Xena, back in the day? They had a musical episode. Maybe there should be musical episode.

THIS. It's a trope (look up save the cat) but it suits Will the character perfectly. His character has issues connecting to people, but FullerVerse Will at least can bond with and take care of animals. And tell me you did not hold your breath when Will went to rescue his poor little beagle from that guy who

Remember, Will is not…normal. In this universe he never was, and when he met Hannibal he was actually on verge of a nervous breakdown.

It was a separate apartment, indeed- not the Fell's, but Sfogliato's.

Oh, you understated it! I will say that the show has portrayed Margot in a MUCH better way, and even Will and Hannibal non heteronormative relationship is handled is without saying "See! Hint of gay is The EVUL".

Well, Mads is having his moment (well deserved); people like a sexy beast. But honestly, honestly it was Will Graham we were introduced to, made to love(sorry, a guy who cruises highways and picks up strays so he can have a furry family is someone you love), seen suffer HORRIBLY, only to somehow get his spirit

THAT bit of batshit insanery pissed me off when I first read that (seriously, Thomas Harris? Know many lesbians at the time, did we?) and still pisses me off now.

THIS. Of all the things DONE to this FullerUnivberse! Will, humiliating him with the brain eating scene would have been my big NOAP.

I give Hugh Dancy HUGE kudos, because while Mads chews the scenery(and honestly it is is a type of vicious character that Mads is kinda known for), it's Will's empathy, mental illness and physical vulnerability that is the (bleeding) heart of the show. Will is this universe's verse of a deeply good man who knows- and

*squints* Not sure if sincere…or if this is a parody…