Edith Grove

Mccarthy hasn’t been in anything great post Bridesmaids

You’ve never heard of chicken tikka masala? Or stir fry? Or enchiladas? Or ginger snaps? Honest to god, these are not weird hipster speciality items, and they’re available at lot more places than just Trader Joe’s.

I grew up in Florida, so my summers always included one trip to Orlando, but those stopped once I hit college. I’m a little jealous you’ve gotten to see all the recent changes!

Since when has having sex in time off been “fucking all over the ship”? You seem very angry and judgemental about this. Is there something else bothering you?

So, okay, from a logistical perspective, it makes sense that they would ask her to move, because she can be moved to any other seat, whether the bording seats contain men or women, whereas the orthodox man could only be moved to a seat next to another man.

No one here seems to have the balls to tell you this, so I will: you are fucking insufferable. Literally all your posts in this thread are either your boasting of your ~oh so sophisticated~and European palate or your passive aggressive bashing of people who eat what you deem to be inferior food. Even scarier is the

This is my roommate’s cat Jarvis. I don’t feed him or anything, but we’re best friends. Some cats are just nice.

Oh honey, you’re the one who’s not good at science. When I miscarried at 6 weeks, all it was was a heavy period. So yes, all I used was tampons and pads. Would I have to bury my maxi pads?

Why isn’t anybody talking about her GRAY skin??

For a restaurant, I’d assume tortilla chips and that cheesey spinach thing. Salsa is SALSA, not dip!

Come on, really?

I, for one, love reading about your penis. Please write more.

See now, I don’t get this. Do you also go to McDonald’s and order a “Double Decker Patty Sandwich With Special Sauce On A White Bun Adorned With Small Seeds Often Associated With Asian Cuisine”?

I’m Hard of Hearing, and Starbucks is a huge fucking nightmare for me. Usually I’ll go to a really small one that is the third Starbucks in a 500 foot radius so it’s not busy at all, but a few weeks ago I went to the biggest, busiest one because it was on my way to work. When I got up to the counter to pay, I couldn’t

That’s the most WTF-worthy part of all of this, tbh.

Paula’s choice is so good. I’ve been using the bha liquid for about 2 weeks straight and it’s crazy how much softer and smoother my skin is. It’s magical.

gonna go out on a limb and say it’s the prescription retinoid and not the coconut oil that’s making your skin clear!