
I clicked the link and I miss the livelier age of the internet

He plays the Fresh Prince song as his walk-up anthem. I would think he would be sick of it at this point in his life but he leans right into it


A stat I have read is that in the United States, something like 17% of men of basketball playing age over 7 feet tall play in the NBA

End replay in all sports. A fucking blight

The stupidity of the public is never more clear than in the horrible choices made in the N.O.T.Y. bracket.  Appalling. I need to move to a shack in the woods


100% this is about Lori Laughlin and everyone else involved trying to look like a good parent without actually considering what a good parent would actually do. And if you grow up with narcissistic parents like that...man, no wonder her kid is how she is, what other value system did she learn other than Instagram &

Her voice is so insanely gorgeous and unique that she elevated that completely half-rate band into a must-have, must-listen, still spin twenty years later necessity

Is Drew ok, damnit?!

I’m only half-joking when I suggest that someone at TMZ released this to coincide with their fantasy football playoffs

Ah, the famous score we see so often, 24-22

Thank goodness they all made it out alive, and are now free to return to their lives of crippling poverty

Was that guy speaking English? Did I have a stroke?

HELL NO to using the self checkout at ANY store. I’m not getting paid, and I’m sure as hell not replacing someone who is for free so that BIG GROCERY can eek out a few more cents profit for their shareholders. I’d rather stand in line for 15 minutes than check myself out to save them money and cost someone a job.

I could tell she played in a mites league because like any good hockey player she is missing a couple front teeth

I was raised hard-core, go-to-church-on-vacation Catholic (since lapsed) and this article reminded me of things I had long since forgotten or never connected the dots about. Neat!

We live in a broken computer simulation and you can’t convince me otherwise

(clears throat for thirty minutes)

Nana Foulland