Sounds like someone I know who wouldn't let me hold her baby when I came to visit after the baby was born. I was like - Just let me hold the baby!
Sounds like someone I know who wouldn't let me hold her baby when I came to visit after the baby was born. I was like - Just let me hold the baby!
I mean for real - since when is standing around in your undies empowering?
I hate cats.
I mean really, why wouldn't you want to see a breast a business meeting? What is it about a business meeting that makes you think no breasts are allowed? /not being sarcastic but livid.
People need to make Free/Autonomous Zones. You see areas like this all the time, in which people try to discard usable items. Just an area that isn't so populated anyway. Just hang things up on a line or on the fence. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. If your stuff is good it'll be gone in a second.
Let's make it a deal then!
You're right. It could be pop culture and the fashion industry and the NSFW music vids.
I used to be that kind of feminist, but now I am finding that porn exploits people, especially young women who watch it and think that that is all there is to life. Believe me, these days you can tell who's been watching it just by walking down the street and seeing how some people are dressed. And I'm talking about…
Just want to throw this in there. I delivered my baby at home and found out as she was coming out that she was a breech. She came out butt first - but out she came because I pushed. I read that breech births are possible and that they are another form of the norm. I had no tears and everything was fine. She was 2.8…