I know, right? Democrats and Republicans are equally morally bankrupt. All you have do is just examine (insert false equivalency).
Rich people? Japan’s rules seem pretty in-line with cleanliness and politeness, and have nothing to do with wealth.
Even if you don’t remember all the niceties, simply making an effort not to be a loud obnoxious slob is probably a good idea regardless of which country you’re in.
I agree. Supermarkets should get rid of plastic bags, and during a month or two weeks give away reusable totes and/or produce bags, after which they will start charging for them.
Commenting only to say that I was in Whole Foods this morning and it struck me how absurd it is the amount of single-use plastic that’s still hanging around grocery stores. There’s really no reason for the little plastic produce bags, or for clamshell packaging on things like tomatoes, etc.
It must depend on where you live - it’s still all over the place in NYC
Good thing she's in no way responsible for his actions. "I don't fucking know" is a perfectly appropriate and justified response to such a question.
her “crap” response? she said she didn’t know. she said she didn’t know him. why do you automatically assume she’s lying?
why does her response matter, though? why are we holding her accountable and pressing her on the actions of a shitty man?
This article may as well be called ‘how each of us is a pedant who withholds joy from themselves based on nothing.’
Two parties? Nah, the US doesn’t even have that.
Its funny how a lot of “progressives” act like they hate the two-party system but vilify anyone who votes third-party.
I mean, its commendable that they didn’t kill it, but was calling in a fucking rescue operation really necessary? What ever happened to just hucking the little bastards out the back door and wishing them the best of luck?
There’s a charity that re-homes black widow spiders? They must be destroyed
YES because then they always cried!
I never tortured them either! I was also obssessed with redesigning my house and helping them climb the corporate ladder.
My husband thinks I’m weird because I never torture my sims. The idea of being mean to them actually upsets me.
Given the number of hours I put into the first 3 games (so very many), I really had to stop and think about whether I’d purposely killed or tortured a Sim. I must have, right? But, no, I can’t remember a single instance of doing so. I’ve watched videos of it being done, but I think I have too much sympathy for Sims to…