
Man, if ever there was an item that needs major DO NOT EAT reinforcement, it's bath-oil beads. They're practically begging to be wrongly eaten. They come in such cute candy shapes! And pretty candy colors! And they smell good! And I too still have to remind myself to put them down without tasting them.

I always win this competition for who ate the worst thing as a child:

My grandfather had this giant 70's burgundy Chrysler with a creamy white interior. One day I just leaned in and took a bite out of the padded dashboard. It looked like ice cream.

Moreover, Conflict Kitchen's (largely conservative) pro-Israel critics are still propagating the frankly insane notion that the restaurant has some responsibility to include the perspective of both sides of the conflict.

Clearly, she's crazy.

The headline confused me. I expected this to be a story about a woman who was shopping with her mother at Nordstrom Rack and was the victim of a random bear attack right after pointing out to her mom that NO she did not think the skirt was too short and she is an ADULT.

I get what you are saying completely in many contexts. What many US people don't get is that musicians come to Australia and make a shit load of cash performing their concerts. The majority of people going to rap concerts are very young and impressionable like Azalea was when she literally ran away from home to become

I agree, though I'm not sure whether you intended the indigenous comment towards Americans or Australians, but whatevs.

Well, both Title IX and laws about sexual harassment have really changed things about off and on campus behavior.

Almost wrote a lengthy reply before reading your last sentence. I do think there are three areas where colleges can and should take extra measures to protect students.

I'm sure I'll get hate for this, but I don't believe it should be a college's responsibility to protect their students at all times in every aspect of their lives. There is a ridiculous amount of mission creep in modern universities, in which a college is expected to service every aspect of a student's life

Jesus fucking Christ guys, Chirp was about a kiddie predator. WHAT THE FUCK.

Please communicate with this person immediately

In the last years I've missed the wedding of one of my cousins, my grandmother's funeral, and two weddings of very close friends. Oh, and my sister's hen party. Because I didn't have the time or the money to attend. No-one got mad and everyone understood that I would have been there if I could have been. My sister

Or, if you're my classmates from 10th grade, you make the entire world change for you xD

amen. Ain't nobody got time for conversions

Damn, your Barbie was badass.

Ahh my Barbie had this too! It was so awesome.