
Hmm. I wonder whether that comes from English influencing pronunciation over time, or the spelling of Gaudette and Frechette getting altered.

Fair point. I don’t really even know who this guy is, and if that remains constant your solution works pretty darn well.

I’m from Quebec too, but Montreal Anglo. Do you mean that in Joual the ‘t’ would be pronounced?

I hope so. Imagine a lifetime of installing French keyboards just to type an accent you don’t even pronounce!

Yes. That would be the height of stupidity. My big question is, how are we supposed to pronounce his last name? English -style Chal-a-met, or French-style Shal-a-may?

I changed to Vivaldi a few months ago. I love it! I really enjoy the tab tiling and sidebar. I miss the syncing though.

For long-term relationships, I think you must eventually do some activities you don’t inherently like that your partner does. My friends, who have the most successful young marriage I have ever witnessed, schedule regular times where they alternate doing activities that only one likes. The other actively looks for joy

I’m a scientist/mathematician/engineer, so I’m used to beginning with a mess and slowly refining until we come to a solid theory. A big chunk of my PhD thesis was looking back at a bunch of system properties that people developed to identify whether the algorithm that controls a machine can be relied upon. At first, I

I really think the multiple new pronouns is just a temporary thing and many will fall into disuse. My preference is also they/them and I think that will likely be the consensus choice in the long-term. I have a friend who wants to be called ‘zim,’ which I find really difficult to put in my speech. That said, there is

Yes, but when there is a gap in the language, filling it eventually allows for clearer discourse. Right now, the definitions of the pronouns are not standardized and therefore appear to be at the whims of the subject. However, as the use of new pronouns increases I suspect that we will drop some and converge towards a

I think that the efforts to adopt new pronouns are entirely motivated by the desire to speak clearly. We have a lot of assumptions baked-in to genders, and for some people he and she both imply a bunch of assumptions that are inaccurate. English currently lacks a standard gender-neutral pronoun and that is a failing

You conjugate gender-neutral-singular they just like plural-they. Easy-peasy. It’s just like how in French ‘vous’ can be plural-you or singular-respectful-you. I think it’s similar in Spanish and Italian.

After a long time of trying, I only just got the hang of poaching eggs last week, which was the result of four pieces of advice I got at a holiday party:
1. A pinch of course salt in addition to the usual tablespoon of vinegar really helps.
2. Ignore chef Alton Brown’s advice to swirl the water.
3. Cook in max 2 inches

Gotta say, I read the Handmaid’s Tale 15 years ago and it resonated then. Time and again, the current events have brought me back to it. Actually, I think a lot of women have always seen how tenuous our freedoms are. I tend to wonder more about whether men would have had as easy a time seeing how real it is.

More specifically, after fears that Blue does not recognize Pratt, Blue saves him heroically by sacrificing himself.

My husband accidentally put silver in the dishwasher. It got blotches that won’t come off and became less smooth in places. It does not shine like it did before. I don’t know whether the spoons were plated or not and maybe there is a way to fix this. I have not tried polishing it, because I really don’t think it’ll

I have small-medium boobs, so support is a non-issue. I did used to get push-ups as an insecure teen because I wanted to be sexier, but not anymore. Now, outside of shaped cups, people appear to notice my boobs more, especially if I get nipply from cold. It makes me feel unprofessional at work and scared of unwanted

Heh! I was going to post links to exactly these two videos to support your comments above. Glad to see another Life Where I’m From fan!