
Just BTW, there is already a rule to let rich people jump the immigration line; the Immigrant Investor program (EB-5). I guess they want the bill because investing the required $500K would take too long.

Kanye and George Takei.

I would not hold out much hope for that. From everything I’ve learned about healthcare costs, none of the changes I’ve heard about address the issues causing healthcare costs to go up. In case you are interested, This American Life did some great shows on the healthcare system back in 2009 (Episode 391 More is Less,

So, I heard Sarah Jessica Parker’s interesting theory that explains this on an episode of the Nerdist. She thinks the show might actually be depicting the stories Carrie wrote for her column, rather than events as they transpired. That explains why the the other people in the show were not entirely 3-dimensional: they

A television show creator is different than the person who initially created the story. For example, Bruce Miller is listed as the creator of the Handmaid’s Tale, even though the book was written by Margaret Atwood. :/

I just looked it up, and it seems like the speed limit for buddies is 11 mph... I’d be very tempted to go slow if I were you, but I get that anyone named Bikey McBikeface is probably more motivated to bike hard than I am!

I find it is much more forgiving when you use a pokemon go plus. At least in the city with stops at intersections, I rarely average too fast for it. :)

I have a few data points for you. I did approximate currency conversion and inflation adjustments for the numbers I mention. For the sake of comparison, note that you spend about $95-112.5 per person per week.

I just tried the matcha Joe’s Joes last week. They are so good!!

Ahhh. I only read the article after the update. Sorry!

That is awful! I saw 4, but couldn’t walk much due to work. Niantic should really even out things between regions.

I would agree that multiple Blisseys and Tyranataurs is a cheater, but 1-2 of each is believable to me. That really sucks that you saw so few Larvatar during the event! To me, the very worst part of the game is that some regions have just such better pokemon than others. I think they should increase the probability of

Hmm. I agree that one account with more than 2 Blisseys and 2 Tyranitar is probably a cheater. On the other hand, every gym having at least one Blissey or Tyranitar is probably normal. In my area, that’s the case. I see the same names over and over, but they have different pokemon in different gyms, so I think they’re

With the 6 coins/hour with only 1 pokemon in a gym you can easily max-out at 50 coins/day, rapidly saving up for eggs and incubators. Now there is little reason to hold >1 gym slot per day, so there should be less competition for gym slots. Seems like they made f2p easier to me. In fact this puts less pressure on me

Ugh. I had a regular wedding and one woman showed up in a short, white lace dress. I wore a long, white, lace dress for the ceremony and then changed into a white dress with lace sleeves for the dancing (14$ off Amazon). So for half the night she was in a nicer version of my dress. I am still mad at her. Now that I

There is a cop-out version of any theme. Unenthused guests can just do that. Plus, no couple expects 100% of guests to respect the theme, so no biggie if grandma and great uncle so-and-so just wear what they please. I think there only people who get mad about themes are either too concerned with rules, or

Why does society allow people to kill animals? I think it is because there is no consensus on whether animals have the self awareness. Where there is no fact-based consensus, we must rely on individual morality because we must respect our fellow citizen’s rights to act as moral, thinking humans. I would add that our

I love this article so much! I have a secret Pinterest board where I rag on stupid life hacks and crafts, and it is beautiful seeing others do it publicly. Please do more in the future! My most hated hack is the one for turning bar soap into liquid soap to save money. I calculated the cost of a lifetime supply of

I have noodle-y arms, and I always seem to find stairs with no escalator/elevator. Every pound I pack is a pound my poor noodles must bear. :(

I got past my packing anxiety by realizing that nearly anything I can forget, I can replace upon arrival. There are always a few, key, irreplaceable/expensive items that you will need, but most are forgettable. No undies? Wash the ones you have in the sink. Forgot your toiletries or phone charger? Call down to the