
Thank you for your help! I guess what you wrote makes sense, in the context that American rules are perpetually less consumer-friendly than I assume. I would otherwise have assumed that removing preventative services would constitute a reduction of the coverage, which I’d assume would violate whatever contract my

With respect to IUDs, my experience may be helpful to you. I got Jaydess, which is smaller than Minera, which makes it easier to insert for a first-time IUD. I got it in during my period and took 2 Motrin beforehand to reduce the pain of insertion. I felt nothing but slight cramps and did not even have to take another


Hence the second paragraph...

Funnily enough, my parents accidentally raised me atheist. When I asked about religious stuff as a kid, my parents encouraged me to decide for myself, so I developed personal morality and stopped believing God along with Santa Claus. Belief in God never really came up until I was 20-something and my mom casually

It perpetually amazes me that people consider gender to be a biological reality. My whole life, I’ve come against instance after instance where I do not fit the norms, and I identify as cisgendered. I just thought it was part of the human condition. Laura Ingalls Wilder describes these experiences over and over in

According to what I have read, 1:2000 people are intersex, and that is excluding some “subtler” variants (http://www.isna.org/faq/frequency). To put that in perspective, at an average NFL game, you expect to have about 25-46 intersex people watching, depending on how popular the teams playing are. This frequency can

Accidentally replied to wrong comment and I don’t know how to delete it. :(

I was was flipping through Wilderness Tips the other day and came upon one story that game me a lot of hope (I unfortunately forget which one). It begins with a woman at breakfast with her husband, who is extremely worried about Bush Sr’s latest actions. The story feels dark and oppressive, but helped me put the

I suggest that an effected doctor writes an article about how applying pleasant smelling essential oils to the belly and/or eating chocolate provides fetal anesthesia. They can at least make use of those moronic obligatory heartbeat readings and ultrasounds to show that the fetus does not register indications of pain

Hmm. It’ll be interesting to see whether the ‘salad’ attitude leads to a different sense of national identity in the future then!

Are you referring to American or Canadian schools? I was taught that the US was a melting pot and Canada was a mosaic. This has borne true in my experience.

My husband and I are now calling him SG when we want to talk about him in public.

Hmm. I took that organic comment to be ‘yeah, some of our stuff happens to be organic, but it’s not our objective.’

OMG! That carrot in a bag! >.< Seems like there is room for a waste-free eating subscription. Send the veggies either loose, or grouped in larger bags, or in small bunches with twist ties, or have

I hope you don’t take this as me being argumentative. I love puzzling out the efficiency of complicated systems like this, and I’m guessing you do too. If not, no worries about hashing it out!


I just moved to a place with Comcast cable that you can’t opt-out of and I miss my old antenna. Comcast has a bajillion channels that are boring as hell and hide any good shows. At least the 3 channels I used to have had good stuff on sometimes. My experience with xfinity was that we exclusively watched Seinfeld

I’m not familiar with the actual systems used because I’m not someone who needs help cooking, but I imagined that food subscription services could cut a lot of waste, depending on how they are managed. Like, they could cut costs by selecting any fruits and veggies that have odd shapes that are usually rejected by

It seems to me that Democrats are just not that organized. Like, I saw adds on CNN attacking Democrats for trying to stop Betsy Devos from getting inducted. I haven’t seen any Democrat response adds. Also, the parties have both shifted right and in doing so the Dems lost the support of the far and even just normal

My plan is to follow the Appalachian trail as far north as I can. This reminds me that I need to begin researching whatever gear... I know it sounds crazy to have a plan, but I can’t forget that The Handmaid’s Tale is just a tweaked version of what happened to Afghanistan. If it could happen to them IRL, it could