
To understand this woman’s actions, you need some knowledge of the logistics of women’s professional hairstyles. Then you can analyse the underlying/symbolic meaning of her actions, as you would to understand the theme of a poem or story.

I think the issue is that it’s pretty difficult for people with certain types of

It’s always nice to remember people like you, who show that there are nice people on the internet.

Hey! I don’t know if you remember this thread from months ago, but I wanted to tell you that I just got an offer from the place I mentioned! Anyway, I wanted to thank you for your advice and encouragement!

Hey! I don’t know if you remember this thread from months ago, but I wanted to tell you that I just got an offer from the place I mentioned! It turns out that they have great parental leave (1 semester paid, optional additional 12 weeks unpaid, plus automatic 1 year tenure-clock pause). Anyway, I wanted to thank you

What is up with people tailgating in general?! When I’m driving, it seems like I’m the only person on the damn road who knows that it is the best way (short of getting drunk) to boost the probability of accidents and multi-car pileups. Safe following distance is 3 Mississippis people! >.<

Lol! That is why I’d put it on an avatar and not my own body!

Really? She provides so much inspiration for my dream RPG avatar wardrobe! It’s like she’s a magical woodland fairy with clothes made out of flowering vines in the photo above. Also, the past two years of met gala outfits were so fun; another sparkly fairy and a robot princess! Plus there was that time she wore a

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I have actually been using `soo’ with friends for a while. Contrary to what the comments would have you believe, everyone I’ve spoken to about this has responded positively.

I didn’t either, but the ballet teacher ran away with everyone’s money half way through the semester, so no surprise there.

Oh, definitely. My grandpa converted to Catholicism for my grandma, and I’m sure his mom wan’t pleased about that. However, I think that `black-eyed Susan’ would have specifically applied to people with brown eyes.

I quit magazines as a teen when I read (in YM, no less!) that reading them measurably reduces women’s self-esteem.

Well, historically people did consider Italians PoC or not wholly white. My waspy great grandma was opposed to my grandpa marrying my Italian grandma because all their children would be `black-eyed Susans.’ Yup. People had racist terms for brown-eyed people. :/ However, if we’re going to go with this olden days

I raise you dates in bacon stuffed with cheese. I don’t even like bacon, but these... <3

It’s gotta be cream cheese. My mom sometimes makes cream cheese and candied cherry sandwiches for parties. I think they are pretty good, but I was indoctrinated as a child when I was won-over by the resulting Barbie-pink filling.

Oh my goodness! I’m about to move to the Southern US, and be in a predominantly religious region for the first time. I’m quite nervous overall, but now very excited at the thought of brunch waits under 30 minutes!

Yeah. I feel like mine would catch this. It once noticed when I deposited a 500$ cheque but typed 50$. It wasn’t instantaneous though; they sent me a letter in the mail informing me of the correction (and I commend them for wording it in a way that did not make me feel like an idiot).

My sister dated an awful, abusive guy (her age) when she was a teen. We tried everything to get her to break up with him, but the harder we tried, the more we drove her away. In hindsight, I cannot see a better strategy than showing love and support while gently pointing out his abusive actions. I don’t claim to know

But I’m just so much better than them. It’s hard to stop. :,(

Honestly, I have never seen an actor play a character closer to what I imagined from a book ever. I don’t say this as evidence of her being an amazing actor. It’s just that Bella pretty much ran around the whole books looking blank, except for when she reacted to Edward by dropping her mouth open. I don’t really draw