
Why do we live in a world with Fuller House but no Buffy reboot? :,(

For real, I know it’s ‘cause Joss Whedon is busy with other stuff, and so much of that has been amazing, but it still makes me sad.

Think about the Junior scenario. This is clearly a first step towards implanting uteri in men, so that pregnancy is no longer just a woman’s problem.

But, oh shit, I just took another and found that only 66.6% are made up!

I took a poll of recent Jezebel comments that revealed 100% of statistics are made up.

Plus they are undoubtedly influencing people and getting others to take their supplements. It is often hard to say where to draw the line when it comes to peoples’ freedom to choose medical care, but I think it is clear that these people are not only a danger to their children, but society at large. Basically, they

I get the nosebleeds too. I preventatively put lipgloss up there (I use the tub and a tissue for hygiene). My doctor recommended it because for a couple of years I got nosebleeds a lot. She says Vaseline would be equally effective, but that lipgloss is fine and doesn’t add an extra object to carry around. Plus, she

In all likelihood, I’ll be interviewing grad students and future academic coworkers. Having a student you can get along with and communicate well with is super important for both their and your success. Hiring a department member is usually a lifelong commitment, plus you have to assess their teaching and

Also eye drops, mini toothpaste and brush. So good for freshening up near the end, regardless of whether you lose the checked bag.

Maybe implementing concrete policies that monitor and mitigate racial bias, if you have the power? And, really, even in relatively menial positions, I’ve found that power to some extent. As a student grader I always grade by student #, so I can’t possibly be introducing racial bias into my assessments of student work.

You should see Switzerland on their national holiday! It seems that there are no rules about fireworks, and people just continually set them off all over the place for 24 hours. Every year there are major fires, but people are like `whatever, it’s worth it.’ I lived in one of the tallest buildings on the outskirts of

Look, I’m not here to shame anthropomorphized cheeses’ for their reproductive processes. This is a feminist website, so let’s support breastfeeding mothers, be they human, cheddar, mozzarella, or even gorgonzola. #ItsGOUDAToSupportCheese #IStandSWISSCheese #OKAyWithCheeseRights

I donno. That reduced fat string cheese just looks like an 80's beach dude to me. Maybe they were subtly referencing that people who still follow the outdated notion that reduced fat products promote weight loss are stuck in the past.

I’m joking by the way. But these string cheese people look pretty gender neutral to

I feel like anthropomorphized dairy products should be mammals because of the milk connection though.

I thoroughly enjoyed that! So much better than the real reboot!

I bet you could write this a bajillion times better, but I think you might like the alternate ending to How I Met Your Mother I’ve always wanted: Early in the final season, Ted meets a beautiful young mother of two. After she breaks up with him for

Same here. I warmed up throughout the trailer, and when they closed with `The power of Patty compels you’ I was hooked.

I heard that she actually did lose a crap-ton of weight. However, I think the difference here is more that the jump suit is tailored for her. Plus, she’s often played characters who are poorly dressed (Spy, The Heat, Tammy, Identity Thief, Bridesmaids) and seems to favour loose-fitting clothes in her personal life, so

Youtube John Oliver Drumpf. It’s a fun segment.

I never knew! Well... I only have one Pagan acquaintance, so I suppose it’s not such a surprise that I know very little about that community.

It’s pretty interesting to see how all of these denominations are evolving and accepting a bigger variation in belief.

It makes sense that some flavours of Christianity lean towards this perspective since they share the Old Testament as a source book with Judaism. I bet the United Church leans this way too. I recently heard about a minister in Ontario who is openly atheist and removing mention of God from her services. On the Judaism