Ed Hocken

During the three years I went to comic-con (2002-2004). I'm pretty damn sure I bought from these guys as they had all the limited Wizard 1/2 issues.

I was at the 2004 Comic-Con for a day and it was massive even then. I can't even fathom how it must be now.

This is indeed the hottest of Cosby's.

So long Black List Table Reads, that show has been canceled and will not be doing any more episodes involving scripts. The show was ambitious as all hell I'll give it that. With recommendations going to Maggie's Dawn, The Other Side, and The Promise.

Sorry, no Zotz.

Nailed it

It's like Robert Altman's GUN but with a motel room.

Go watch the episode of Broad City she's in. Far better use of time.

Yes, and?

They'll say that but never actually do the work necessary to create it.

The laziness of the feckless left in action.

Shockingly, he did quit the advisory councils.

Classic "Fuck you, I got mine." Attitude

Those are the ones who would rather be right than fight, which seems fine for those who are white.

Even though those champions of the "revolution" will likely be the first ones killed, jailed, or fucked. As history has documented over and over again.

So, to the people that didn't vote or think voting doesn't matter in the last election.

Are you thinking of Left, Right, Or Center? That's a local public radio show. Although it used to have Bob Scheer, who was (is?) a noted leftist for years.

Or watch Sunshine.


"Uhhhh, No Peg."