Ed Hocken

Yeah, yeahhhh, yeah, yeah

Sold by the fact there is a drug dealing robot

Would he? Even tv was around when he was a teenager.

Likely because no one remembers Tony Snow's run as Press secretary and because Snow quickly succumbed to colon cancer.

Sounds like a reboot of Single Female Lawyer

Jesus Christ! This is some of the worst David Foster Wallace wannabeism i've seen, yet.

Saw the first season and then checked out. There were two moments I liked in that season: Shosh accidentally smoking Crack and Peter Scolari throwing his back out while trying to fuck his wife in the shower.

That actually happened? Holy shit. And I thought reviews reached rock bottom when Drew McWeeny shoehorned his divorce into a review of Boyhood.

Just the way god and jesus intended

Best washed down with a Shamrock Milkshake

Cuz clearly both have the same significance and can't all be valued on their own merits.

Actually giving our customers what they want? The hell you say!

*looks at corrupted grpahics*

That old time prospector on Aqua Teen sure did.

At last, a stupid corporate decision that isn't offensive or violent.

Because they want to make it about themselves or their ideology instead of engage in the actual topic.

You got some real balls to bring your cis-attitudes around here, broseph!

Great, only cockroaches and Hardwick survive. Not surprising.

They need to get Jon Garbus as Chris Christie and Jon Daly as Gilulanni. Hell, get the whole Hard Nation crew out there.

People only familiar with Alec Baldwin's impression haven't seen nothing yet from this guy.