
And mothers in modern society have to do it without the large kinship networks that mothers have relied on in traditional societies for the vast majority of human existence. People did not evolve to raise children on their own, or even with one other person. It is an unnatural and dangerous thing forced on people by a

My youngest son’s “BFF” as he says is a little girl from school who does all those things, she came over to our house one day and just stood in the living room letting out this huge fart and just giggled afterwards, then she and so ran off to dress up and put on a play for everyone.    

One of my good friends and his girlfriend have decided to have a baby and they recently announced that they were having a daughter.

My friend and I own a race car together (its old, slow and crappy, but that’s all part of the charm) and so i kind of casually dropped the ol “so....its gonna be pretty fun teaching your

Sometimes I think the greatest feat of political gamesmanship the Republicans have pulled in the last 40 years is how thoroughly they have gotten in the heads of Democrats of a certain generation.

That’s the thing! Yes, the genders can be somewhat different but it’s not written in stone, and the idea that a girl infant is going to be a walk in the park compared to a boy is hugely destructive. What if the mom starts subconsciously taking out her frustrations on a “too” energetic girl? What if her boy baby isn’t

For fuck’s sake, Biden is THE LEAST ELECTABLE candidate, you goddamn morons! We have a huge advantage in raw numbers, we need a candidate that will get people’s asses to the polls. That ain’t Biden.

I’m a dad of girls (#girldad?) and when they are together they can be rougher than any pair of boy siblings they’re friends with. Not that it is a competition obviously - but my experience with them has definitely opened my eyes about the expectations for girls vs boys (even before reading this article). Mainly, it’s

https://www.dresseswithpockets.com - a search engine just for dresses and skirts with pockets. Over 8500 at last count.

Yeah....not to be overdramatic about this, but I feel like I can draw a pretty straight line between this assumption that boys are loud, messy, like playing in mud and catching bugs and being physical, to the same kinds of stereotypes that leads people to assume that women can’t succeed in certain fields or be good at

I have a college friends who is always posting photos on FB of her boy right in the middle of doing something bad or dangerous. I’m not a parent for a couple more months, but all I can think is “maybe if you spent that time just correcting the behavior rather than pulling out your phone for photos, which he equates as

I recreated this entire sign and framed it and hung it right above my toilet tank.

Even before I had a kid, I’m constantly surprised at how people are so eager to ascribe gendered expectations to otherwise normal behavior in babies and children.

I am a mom of two boys too - they’re 11 and 7. I feel like the main issues I’ve dealt with are how they’re treated by others, especially once they start school. I feel like there are different ways that they are treated - teachers sometimes seem to be a bit more patient with the girls than the boys. I have a few

Exactly. #Boymom is the precursor to “Boys will be boys.”

Yeah- this is pretty disgusting and why I stay away from all parenting crap on the internet. I’m the mom of three mostly grown boys and they each are pretty damn far from this. I guess if you’re the type of person to tag your social media posts with #boymom, then you’re going to be the kind of parent who works real


I’m the mom of two young boys and I actively dislike the whole #boymom culture. My boys are not defined by their gender and I am not defined by their gender either. Yes, there are a lot of fart jokes and muddy feet, but there is also long hair and painted fingernails. Trucks riding in doll strollers. Plush dinosaurs

1. Recycled plastic is pretty much bullshit gimmickry that is increasingly ebing abandoned due to diminishing returns from recycling it

How could she have done [insert sensationalistic description of a single sex act] for so little money? In this viewpoint, women in porn—and only women in porn—are permanently surrendering something of themselves. From this perspective, any dollar amount is shameful. It’s why the Twitter discourse and the mainstream

I’ve recently started buying milk in glass bottles, which I then return to the store when I’m finished and they give me a credit on my next bottle. It’s good for the environment because of less waste, and the milk comes from locally, so it has less distance to travel. However, it’s also expensive, and I can totally