
There are a few things going on here and everyone’s getting shirty for no reason.

Commenters are the real heroes.

MM’s tees are awesome

This isn’t out yet, correct? I didn’t spot any mention of a release date in this review. Did I miss that? Also, did you play a closed beta, reviewer’s preview or get some time with it at a convention? I’d love to try the game but it doesn’t seem generally available.

Don’t ever let Fred Savage fly you anywhere in a plane he borrowed from Harrison Ford.

It’s 2020, so we unfortunately will get Ed Sheeran in a Speedo.

So, does this mean that Schumer will be stealing recipes from Kathleen Madigan, Tammy Piscatelli, Daniel Tosh, and the estate of Patrice O’Neal?

It seems quite a few people have taken DEEP offense to this reply.

I clicked for boobs. I watched the clips for boobs. I did not read a fucking bit of it because words are not boobs. Is this the girl who started “Ok Boomer”? If so, this is not the path I would have taken afterwards, but whatever.

“Perfect Storm”—- Ohhhkk. Whatever you want to call your cleavage. Good on her for keeping up the momentum, but a spade is a spade.

I’m officially too old to “get” streamer culture. Like I get it, but I don’t “get” it. 

This movie should just be renamed “Hubris: The Musical”.

I'm really going to miss this show. Now that it's ending, I also kind of feel like a part of the "old AV Club" is gone for me as well. We used to invade the Adventure Time comments and talk about the show when AV Club for inexplicable reasons dropped it's coverage. From time to time I'd add my own stray

I’m going to miss this show too. My husband and I used to watch it whenever Cartoon Network would show it. Also, it became my crutch after he died. It was one of the few things that brought be comfort after that loss. Well, an end to a chapter.

Wow, those were some heavy episodes. I agree that it was a lot to lay on relatively quickly, but it all felt earned by what we’ve seen in the show so far. Even if that hurts, Steven is a damaged teen, with all the troubles that brings.

I mean, it sounds to me like even though Greg had a sense of stability, his parents pushed him too far in the other direction—dictating his after-school activities, his look, barring him from getting into music. Steven definitely needs stability, but I think Steven has so little idea what human interpersonal

Now playing

The scene of Steven looking through his dad’s stuff used the same music as the scene from our second-ever episode of Steven looking through his dad’s stuff, and it made my heart break just a little.

Weird comment coming up:

Hasn’t Greg Proops aged well! He’s looking great!

I guess I don’t see it as an exclusivity conversation. It’s ruling out them ever having the exclusivity conversation. It’s saying, “No matter how well these dates go, whether or not we fall desperately in love, exclusivity will not be on the table.” That’s really important if you’re dating someone with typical

It’s not the exclusivity conversation, though. The exclusivity conversation happens between two people who intend, at some point, to become monogamous. You know you’re not monogamous at the beginning, and you have the exclusivity conversation when you’ve been dating a couple months, or however long, and it’s about you

"The animals of the forest: the fox, the hare, the deer, the raccoon. Are they not also a fantastic four?"