It’s easy to underestimate Homelander’s intelligence. I don’t think he’s all-in on Stormfront’s plan, at all. I imagine that two facts are jumping out at him right now:
It’s easy to underestimate Homelander’s intelligence. I don’t think he’s all-in on Stormfront’s plan, at all. I imagine that two facts are jumping out at him right now:
This isn’t out yet, correct? I didn’t spot any mention of a release date in this review. Did I miss that? Also, did you play a closed beta, reviewer’s preview or get some time with it at a convention? I’d love to try the game but it doesn’t seem generally available.
I don’t understand the point of your post.
I’d say you’re right about Greg, but we just don’t know enough about his parents to form many conclusions about them. Greg and Steven are both reacting to what they were brought up with - the same would have been true of Greg’s parents.
“Wow, that’s a good question.”
Quibble, quibble...not about the review, but a tiny thing in the show. “Terraform” means to make a planet Earth-like. For Gems, it should probably be “gemmaform,” or something like that (“gemma” is Latin for gem).
Absolutely true. For some reason, Dr. M was able to teleport three of his friends across the planet due to some kind of contagious contact through blood. Why is blood better than air for a being like him? And certainly, he could have transformed the air in his cage into liquid methane and blown that shit up toot…
Intriguing idea, but if Dr. Manhattan does “more,” then where does it end? It’s not like racism is the only problem in the world. Should he also get rid of cancer? War? Hunger? Unemployment? Death itself? Why not just give all humanity his powers? Or should he eternally play Blue Daddy to a species of inferior pets?
Well, isn’t that the point of this redistribution? Great if you’re poor, nice if you’re middle class and meaningless if you’re rich. I don’t see the problem.
The bodyguards most definitely did not rush Price to safety, though.
Don’t forget to stream it!
“In fury, Whiterose shoots Price and kills him, before her Dark Army bodyguards rush him to safety.”
Some good stuff and some bad stuff.
I don’t know if I’d call is a spoiler when the guy tells you a few seconds before it happens. And that’s not what I’d call an important plot twist...who gave a shit about the evil Nazi bitch?
Spoiling a movie is a dick move, but faking a friendship with someone for SEVEN MONTHS just to return the favor is sociopathic.
Folks who don’t like rice or non-American food deserve to be forced to go to India. People who love basmati rice and spicy curry deserve to be allowed to go to India.
Good advice, thanks. I suspected as much was true, but it gives me some confidence to hear someone else say it.
I do have a problem with what Dr. Dre did, but I don’t blame him - I blame the system. I’m not even upset with the people who were busted. They did the wrong thing, but in a misguided attempt to put their kids first. It’s the system of donations and legacy that are fucked, along with everyone who indulges in pointless…
Three paragraphs? It’s a step in the right direction - at least you didn’t link to a youtube video of someone else explaining the visual language of Into the Spider-Verse. That’s the kind of lazy thing I would expect from the AVC these days. But time way you guys used to really overthink this stuff in the best sense.…