Another Gawker Refugee

weed laced honey

The law states that the transportation and/or use of these substances is illegal.

Doesn’t matter what the state says; marijuana’s still Schedule 1 to the feds, and if you use you can’t legally own weapons.

You understand the point of the article is that they used the honey oil and then the law about drug use and weapons as an excuse to seize his weapons and arrest him right?

ATF: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. Opioids don’t fall under any of those umbrellas. The sheriff went after the oil and the ATF went after the guns (aka firearms).

I don’t want Kelly to fix it. I want the shitshow gone. All of it.

Can you even IMAGINE the dressing down she got? They’re both equally horrible, but I hope he “gently reminded,” her. And by “gently reminded,” I mean “scathingly reminded her.”

Moonghazi! Totalitygate!


Enuff wit yur fancee explainins, egghead. All whut I saw is a black guy disppear and that’s whut I voted fer. #MAGA

If you have some attribute that makes it basically a coin flip if you’ll attempt suicide or not, I would say that constitutes a mental issue.

You’re focusing too much on the color! What’s going on is the cold, lifeless, small Trump is (very briefly) eclipsing the life-giving light and warmth of the much bigger Obama.

What kind of bizzarro reverse eclipse is this where the bright orange giant ball of hot air is in front of the cool, dark celestial body?

Mental illness requires as one of its elements that it be a disorder, not simply statistically abnormal thoughts. This is why people who like the Pontiac Aztek are not considered to be mentally ill despite the fact that their thoughts place them in a distinct minority. ;)

Because there definitely wouldn’t be any other factors that would cause suicide rates to rise, like being terrified that you’ll get accosted in a bathroom, or being rejected by your family, or abused, or any of the other bullshit that trans people have to deal with.

I wish white theme was optional. Dark FTW :)

being trans is not a mental illness and mental illnesses aren’t good but shouldn’t be stigmatized either. solved it for you.

46% of voters. It wasn’t even 19.5% of the population.

It’s called blast-lung, or the “hot chocolate effect.” As Lance said: “When you mix these speeds together in a frothy combination like the human lungs, or hot chocolate, it combines and it ends up making the energy go slower than it would in either one,” and it boosts the tissue damage.