Moar stars!
Moar stars!
I wish you wrote more, Mr. Totilo. I realize you have an awful lot on your plate, and you do what you do very well. But I’ve never encountered any game critic with whom I so consistently and completely agree. Not to mention the fact that your prose is very compelling (which is true of most of the Kotaku writers,…
Totally agree. I think voices of all perspectives need to be heard. I personally think that with mediums such as video games, film/tv, and music, you will never get all people to fully support a certain project. Even if it tries to do what critics suggest to do to make it better represent all types of people.
Oh Steven, why’d you drop that mic so hard? Also - where the hell did you even get that wonk ass definition of censorship? The censorship you’re referring to is literally a job, and it is not the job of a critic, it is the job of a censor, and I’m not even sure people have that job anymore.
Stephen, I’m curious if you’d mention any specific areas you disagreed with Anita on?
I don’t agree with everything she has said on the subject but she has exposed what I call “holes in their swing” when it comes to developers choices. Why wouldn’t you want players to be able to pick a male or female character? There has been imagery in games that did go a bit overboard in it’s depiction of women.
And where are all these fictional people telling you to “yiff in hell and die”?
If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?
Sarkeesian’s project, if nothing else, helped propel a lot of discussion about women and games, about what matters and what doesn’t. And she got it all done before Valve could even release Half-Life 3.
My modeling job was stolen by Melania Trump, who committed visa fraud.
Pointy end is the face. Stubby wiggly end is the poopy butt end. Also, breathing, and maybe other things too since insect anatomy differs quite a lot from mammalian.
Molehills are not noted for their structural integrity.
You picked a hill to die on and everyone is wondering why you flopped down on a molehill.
“These faith-based agencies have been forced to close their doors because they refuse to place children in homes that go against their faith.”
This isn’t censorship, this is one guy trying to defend a bad joke that has no basis in the original text. It even says outright that the original name is a pun on light switches. What in the hell do light switches have to do with a radicalized Christian terrorist group?
So... the multitude of crimes committed against undocumented people are what? Lower level crimes? Crimes that, while they are still crimes, are not a thing we need to worry about since the victims are mostly brown? Just not crimes at all?
Right? And let’s be sure to differentiate these crimes from crimes that should never have taken place because CRIME ISN’T SUPPOSED TO TAKE PLACE, THAT’S WHAT MAKES IT CRIME.
“serve the needs of crime victims and their families who have been impacted by crimes committed by removable criminal aliens.”
Just leaving this here:
I should have read your whole post this is good shit :)