Another Gawker Refugee

What about this.. and then, what about that?

And the companies that produce them make profits!

Have they produced a My Little Pony porn parody yet?
(asking for a friend)

You mean that test that was given by the same doctor who did his physical exam and reported that Trump weighs 239 lbs.?

I hate young people and I hate tourists. I skipped my way through the video and didn’t manage to make it to the end.

You forgot pets.

I drop a small amount of curry powder, jerk seasoning or hot sauce onto the butter as it melts. The heat and the fat pull out a lot more flavor than just sprinkling over the popcorn and a little goes a long way... say 1/8 teaspoon flavors a half cup of unpopped kernels.

It’s summer here south of the equator and I use my microwave to cook and prep food 90% of the time just to keep from heating up the kitchen. Once it’s winter, the ratio pretty much flips to using my stove and oven 90% of the time for that exact same reason.

...or people with first names like Andre, Tyrone or Latoya.

I bet your avatar also isn’t a real picture of you, ‘cause Jerri can make my pinky aaallllll stinky any day of the week... so long as we use protection. Lots of protection.

“Yes, I haven’t...”

Why don’t Dems use the same flawed reasoning for their agenda? Abortions? Well, at the end of the day, it’ll help American workers! Programs to help the working poor, unemployed and destitute? Trickle up economics! Universal health care? The money and efficiencies saved will be invested into more jobs!

Ouija board polling.

Ryan does have a point in that portions of the welfare system are broken in that they function as a ceiling against earnings that can trap people from being able to earn more and live free of government assistance. However, I’m pretty sure his favored solution of cutting any and all welfare isn’t going to work or help.

Let me finish this comment first.

A bad guy (or gal) will get his (or her) comeuppance.

I fully expect the FCC to overturn the Open Internet Order. I just don’t see Pai or the other two Republican commissioners doing anything else. This is why they are there. And you know what? It might not be a bad thing if they do. Consider it a one step back - two steps forward situation.

Tell me more about this bridge... does it have a rust-proof undercoating?

Yeah, but... You know the phrase “Yellow Dog <whatever>“ meaning you’d vote for a yellow dog before you ever vote for a candidate of the opposing party? I was hoping to update that to “Child Molestor Republicans” who would happily vote for a child molestor before they ever vote for a Democrat. I guess I’ll take a