Another Gawker Refugee

The Secret is a great book. I picked up a hardcover copy at a used bookstore, glued the back cover shut, cut out the pages, and turned it into a hollowed-out book case for my ereader. I get the occasional odd look, but its from somebody who clearly has no idea what my copy’s secret really is.

But it seems every time an athlete does something stupid and gets into trouble, their sponsors always seem so quick to walk away because they don’t want the negative association with their brand. I think it really speaks to who has the power in these relationships when sponsors are quick to drop a celebrity, but

My fear is pacing. There is currently a lot of outrage (as there should be) but I’m worried about keeping up the pressure and anger until next year. Keep in mind, election 2018 may be less than two years away, but the campaigns will start to build up steam in just twelve months. I think it’ll help to hammer the point

I think it is mean and cruel for internet bloggers to be mocking high school students. Give them a break, people! They aren’t professional “media elites”. These students from the AV Club/student newspaper were lucky to be invite to learn about how our government functions and given the chance to try and do an

I know! There was no mention about how to correctly go about pouring champagne on playboy bunnies in the oval office. Or how you get the hot female staff to piss on the walls in order to get that black smell out of the white house.

Y’all liberals think y’all are so smart with yer fancy rhymin’ words and book learnin’ and readin’ and sonnets and such. Y’all don’t know one thing about how real Americans think. Poemsetry should ought to have curse words in it, see? or it ain’t real poemsetry. Like take a look at this here poem like:

Gotcha. Fair enough. White house tours aren’t the end all, be all of the First Lady’s duties. I imagine there are probably some gaps in tours after every inauguration. That seems reasonable, right? A new first lady steps in and has tours, of all things, to deal with. I point it out as symptomatic of something bigger.

I’ve lived in Florida most of my life and I’m an avid walker. Florida cities (at least the ones I’ve walked around in) tend to be some of the most pedestrian-hostile places I know of. One Saturday I chose to walk from my apartment to downtown to pick up my car since I was pretty loaded the night before. It was only a

These people hold your civil rights, your dignity, and at times even your life in their hands. They will never give you these things no matter how much you argue that the law, reason and basic decency says you are entitled to them. It’s time to stop asking from them. It’s time to stop arguing with with.

As far as violations go, this is small potatoes. But you add it to the list. You remember. And then you bring out that list in 18 months when arguing why these people cannot be trusted with power and their cronies should be voted out of office.

I’ve already crossed the threshold and have started using it as a verb and adjective.
“Cunted again!” or “What a cunty thing to do,” for example.

Actually, she should have rushed to his side to help her septuagenarian husband safely climb the steps. After all, we wouldn’t want him to slip, fall and break a hip, would we?

Well, she is responsible for tours of the White House which I believe have been suspended since the inauguration. So it might be nice if people who are paying for the mansion her husband is squatting in to once again have access.

This whole “believed to have committed a criminal offense” is just asking for abuse. I mean, who is to stop you from calling a tip line and reporting that annoying co-worker of yours who won’t take off his damned red MAGA cap while in the building and won’t shut up about libtards. I mean, he’s in the U.S. illegally,

I wonder what would happen if somebody called the ICE tip line to report a Canadian named Rose Is In Hell who is in the United States illegally. I believe she committed a crime... I mean, she’s here to avoid prosecution for ... ummm.. passing phony checks in Ottowa. I believe she is doing the same here in the U.S.

I’m sorry, what resources is she sapping from American citizens? Public schools for her children? I’m pretty sure either she or her landlord (who she pays rent to) pays the property taxes on her residence, which in turn pay for public schools. So she’s contributing her fair share to public schooling for her children.

It’s a valid criticism, but the vote is for “favorite” headphone, so this an accurate measurement of that and doesn’t pretend to try and measure the “best”. I’d like to think readers drawn to vote for this are a bit more discerning and intelligent than your average Amazon reviewer judging from the quality of comments

It’s a valid criticism, but the vote is for “favorite” headphone, so this an accurate measurement of that and

So Travis County can go ahead and charge the federal government $1.5M for its sheriff’s deputies doing the jobs of federal agents.