Edfonzo Algardo

Being grey vs. ungrey does influence one’s propensity to join the conversation. I tend to prefer the writing and the commentariat here on The Slot vs. at Splinter, but since my comments there are more likely to be seen, I wind up spending more time there.

The obvious trolls aren’t even the biggest problem. There are commenters across the Kinja sites who will go weeks or even months making reasonable posts before revealing their true colors. Then when they get approved they gain the power to pull trolls out of the greys.

They should set up an auto-ungreying system for people who average a certain number of stars per post over a certain period of time. Then it wouldn’t be so arbitrary. For instance, I’m ungreyed on Lifehacker where I post about once a month, and even when I do post I’m not actually contributing to the discussion ...

If I ever stupidly set myself on fire, I’m definitely going to say “That’s OK, he’s my cousin.”

People keep claiming that Pence is smarter than Trump and hence would be more dangerous. I submit that Pence is basically Dubya without the frat brother “charm” and the built in name-recognition. He has no talent, no base and no hope of achieving his aims. 

More likely, Manafort told someone in the White House what was taken from his house. If the supposed source actually knows anything at all, that is.

Oh geez, that’s brutal, insurance company idiocy on top of the miscarriages. So sorry to hear you’ve had to deal with all that. I hope you rain hellfire on the insurance assholes.

I respect that. I’m an obstinate fucker, I’m going to be one of the survivors fighting off radiation sickness and wondering what cancer I’m going to get as I try to help rebuild in the aftermath. But I can see why that might not appeal to a lot of people.

Yup, lots of incompetent people in the world. They looked at DJT and said “he’s one of us!” But he’s not one of them, he’s an entirely different kind of moron.

Assuming we avoid nuclear armageddon and/or a slide into complete totalitarianism, history will look back on this administration as the most incompetent criminal conspiracy the world has ever seen.

Given that Manafort was a known Russian stooge when he replaced Lewandowski, I want to know the exact process by which he became Trump’s campaign manager. Who suggested him, what steps were taken to vet him, how well did Trump know him before he was hired, etc. Manafort’s hiring is one of the key datapoints suggesting

The Post article says “a source close to the White House” claims that the documents seized included some that were already turned over willingly. So this is a source likely inclined to downplay the importance of the raid, and even then it doesn’t exclude the possibility that some of the documents seized had not been

I think deep down he’s itching to use a nuke. I think he’s contemptuous of all the U.S. presidents who had the chance over the past 70 years and never “had the balls” to fire one off.

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More likely that he’d pimp out Tiffany and/or Melania? Or maybe even Eric and Don Jr.’s wives?

He’ll cycle back and forth between 2 and 3 until the problem goes away on it’s own and then he can take credit for being such an amazing deal maker.

I said that before the election- if he has to kill 99% of the population to be loved by the remnant, that’s a choice he’s prepared to make. Disloyalty to DJT is the worst sin he can imagine.

When the hawkiest hawk who ever hawked thinks you’re going a tad too far with the rhetoric, then you’ve truly gone off the deep end.

I used to read stories about Venezuela’s slide in totalitarianism with sadness and an (unearned) sense of superiority. Now I can’t help but see the future of the U.S. in the calamities they face, barring nuclear war of course.

If Trump starts a global thermonuclear war, we in America who voted for Hillary won’t be remembered by the 300 survivors in New Zealand any more fondly than the deplorables. The remnant of humanity that (hopefully) survives will damn all Americans for having unleashed this abomination on the world. I know I feel a