Now that I can respect.
Now that I can respect.
If there is hard proof, the number of people who theoretically might’ve had access to it who now have an axe to grind is growing. So I wouldn’t rule that out either.
It is if there isn’t any money! Just kidding, there’s lots of rubles to chase down.
I know that by law Trump can only pardon for federal offenses, but I wonder what happens if he tries to pardon himself and his cronies for state offenses anyway. Who gets to tell him, “No, you can’t do that” and do they have the power to back that up?
The FBI has been using these tactics against the mafia for decades. They broke through Omerta and got high-level capos to turn on their dons. And Trump is making the investigators’ work even easier by shitting on his aides and allies on a daily basis. There aren’t going to be many people willing to do time to save his…
Bingo. That’s the whole point of RICO, once you prove that it’s a criminal enterprise, you have a clear runway to go after everyone who was a part of it.
Not that you need my approval or confirmation, but I agree 100% with every word you’ve written in this thread.
I think it’s already written in sharpie on his tighty wighties.
I’ll endorse this. If you gotta have a Republican, Hatch isn’t the worst option. He’s not actually good, but I expect he’d be kinda like Bush Sr., aggressively bland and impotent.
I’ve not seen any evidence that Pence is any smarter than Rod Balgojevich or Dennis Hastert. Lots of career politicians end up in orange jumpsuits (though not nearly enough of them).
Ask any Hoosier if there’s anything going on behind Pence’s blank stare. They know. He was going to get primaried if he ran for re-election as governor. Even the right-wingers in Indiana had had enough of him. His only attribute (in comparison to Trump) is that he seems to be aware of the adage, “It is better to…
Adjusting for inflation, that’s $7.05. So, quite the haul.
In recent years sports leagues have gotten more vigilant, too, about making prospective owners open their books, after fiascos related to Tom Clancy trying to buy the Vikings and the scam artists who bought the Dodgers and the Islanders. And there’s no way that Trump would ever agree to that.
Soundgarden had a song called “Ty Cobb.” The lyrics seem appropriate.
This’ll go RICO style, right? Indictments of Manafort and Flynn to start, since they’re the lowest hanging fruit. Odds are Manafort flips, since he’s more loyal to Vladdy anyway, while Flynn is 50-50. Then on to Round 2: Indictments of Kushner and Sessions. Kush is spineless and will roll over in 0.00002 seconds.…
Fortunately I’m an 87th percentile rapid pooper. If I can just shave 15 seconds off my best time, I’ll make it into the annual listings of the World’s Fastest Poopers!
I’ll never understand sadomasochism.
Great, now all the women know about the pooping bench. Might as well spill the beans now.
Don’t give up now, when the Jets win Super Bowl LXXXVIII, you want to be able to say you were the one who stuck it out!