Edfonzo Algardo

Can’t say I’m surprised.

So THAT’s why he likes golf so much!

Four legs good, two legs bad ... wait, that might be a different thing.

He and Ulysses Grant are actually instructive examples of how a person can be a true hero or genius in one context and a useless dolt or villain in another. Wartime brought out the best in them, peacetime brought out the worst.

No matter how stupidly Palin behaved, no matter what idiocy came from her mouth, her base loved her and many of them still love her today. That had to be of interest to Trump. Minus the Palin example, he might’ve been inclined to run a more traditional campaign.

How long until criticism of Scaramucci gets labeled as “racism against Italians”? Or has that already begun?

I have it on good authority that 100% of the people offended by national anthem protests were offended by national anthem protests. And you just can’t argue with that.

They would like to see all social safety net programs repealed, actually. Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment, social security, food stamps, etc. They’re hardcore crazies.

I don’t debate them. It would be like trying to debate a mugger as he stabs you in the gut. My point of view is functionally irrelevant right now. But I can tell you they’re not enjoying having their people in power. They’re endlessly frustrated that Hillary’s not in jail and that any liberals continue to exist on the

In his left foot. No wait, right foot. ... It coulda been the left. Ummm ... Benghazi!

Can he even grip a football properly?

Because you’re in the half they don’t want. Go away.

thirty bajillion. Well, actually, they haven’t actually invented a number big enough to describe his vote total.

I can’t stand to watch Fox News, but according to my right-wing family members they’re providing frequent updates. “40 more cases of voter fraud found in [state x]!” and crap like that. There is this persistent drumbeat of stories on the right pushing that narrative.

“And then we’re going to deport Benicio del Toro and Rosie Perez and Michelle Rodriguez and all those other dang Mexicans!”

Spergon Wynn is not a real person! Thad Lewis? Fake news!

Somewhere there’s a Browns fan who talked himself into a 10-6 season this year reading this article and getting angrier and angrier. He’s prepping a post describing which Browns are going to suddenly emerge as stars and exactly which games in the schedule are totally winnable.

It’s the “Get a brain, morans” line that gives it away as sarcasm. No right-winger would ever reference that meme. Otherwise it could totally be a Breitbart comment.

The military likes it when they get to blow shit up good, but they don’t like their personnel being fucked with.

I think these are idiots in the “hate the sin, not the sinner” camp. They want to see homosexuality eradicated, but they’re prepared to contemplate some degree of tolerance for homosexual people. Probably because they have an LGBT family member or are closeted themselves.