The one thing that will eventually bring common ground to the U.S. and Russia - shared contempt for the Trump family.
The one thing that will eventually bring common ground to the U.S. and Russia - shared contempt for the Trump family.
The MBAs got in partly because of a wave of ownership changes in the ‘90s. Newspapers were pulling down 20% in profits, which looked really attractive to potential owners who didn’t really care about the journalism.
It’s not too long, every word rings true. What finally drove me out the door was the realization that not only did upper management not appreciate us, they actually despised us. Good journalists are annoying and difficult and nosy and disobedient. The same attributes that allow us to get information that the public…
Which Albany?
I agree of course, never meant to imply that Trumpty Dumpty actually likes his kids (Ivanka aside). But Don Jr. does have his name, and even a nimrod like our idiot president has to realize it’ll look really bad to have Junior twisting in the wind. Though now that I think about it, the right hasn’t exactly worried…
Trucking companies could hire more people and accept thinner profits and/or raise prices. Of course the government would have to more strictly enforce existing laws for the companies to see that as a viable option.
It reads as if it was a lease-to-own situation, since the article says he was months away from owning the truck.
Will he turn on his son, or will he go all Cersei Lannister and try to destroy anyone who’d dare impugn his hellspawn? Not saying you’re wrong, but if he’s ever going to stand by anyone this would be the test case (barring Ivanka of course).
I’ll take your word for it, would take too much effort to Google that.
You’d be surprised, they can fill a lot of time with proclamations and “reports” that don’t actually contain any meaningful information. Gives the appearance that they’re holding a meeting when in reality the actual decisions are being made behind closed doors.
If something of import happens at a meeting, a skilled reporter can make it interesting. I will concede that some cities hold meetings that are completely bereft of anything that would pass for “news,” but that in itself is news - why is the people’s business not being conducted in the open?
But enough of them are free that it has created the perception among the vast majority of internet users that the news “should be free.” I worked at a paper that tried to introduce a paywall after having been free for a time, and you’d think we threatened to murder all their children. The outrage that we would dare to…
Many papers have vacillated between fully free, fully behind a paywall, premium content, soft paywalls (a few free articles per month) and other setups.
Things I heard from upper management during my newspaper career:
Google’s not even the biggest problem anymore, though it is a problem. For many news entities, their homepage is no longer a destination for readers. People see their news on Facebook, and maybe they click through to the story and see a couple ad impressions before going back to Facebook. Studies have shown that many…
Mike Pence actually tried to start up a state-run news agency while governor of Indiana. So it would be no surprise to see another attempt.
There is never a bad time to mention the fact that the newspaper industry’s decision to give all of its content away free online was a very bad one.
Yeah, it’s still not quite ready for prime time, which is inexcusable given Microsoft’s resources. I wind up using it out of laziness or when I’m using a lot of memory-intensive programs and I don’t want to have Chrome eating up too much of my resources.
Ann Coulter ... the woman who was 70% neck.
There are literally hundreds of articles all over the Web that give tips on extensions for Chrome and Firefox. Let Edge have its moment in the sun.