“Raymond ShawDonald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”
“Raymond ShawDonald Trump is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”
C’mon, that’s such overt hyperbole. How can you say that kind of thing? You’ve got to tell both sides of the story: They also want a sizable slave labor force.
Every public official - every person, really - has powers at their command that they’re entitled to exercise, but that in certain situations become ill-advised, immoral, unethical or even illegal. No one disputes that the president has the authority to fire a U.S. Attorney or FBI director. But in the exercise of that…
No, my point is you should do some in-depth reading and become better educated on this topic.
Blessed sanity, thy name is JudasIscaredycat.
It’s relevant because the bar to being a legitimate senate candidate is much higher than for U.S. House. There are always a few dozen loons in the House, on both sides of the aisle.
There are plenty of resources that can answer those questions for you.
A person cannot be illegal. It is not illegal to exist.
She wasn’t running for Senate.
You’ve adopted the most sinister possible reading of the story and accused me of either poor reading comprehension skills or of being too lazy to read a short story. I’m going to go out on a limb here and guess you’re not looking for an honest exchange of ideas.
You would think so, but some people need extra detail.
I hope you’re right. One time I would be thrilled to be proven wrong.
I think depending on context, all of those words can be either fine or offensive. I’ve heard women use the “c” word with each other as a term of gentle rebuke. Others use it online to intimidate. In the context in which I used “dick,” I’ve never heard of anyone being offended by that kind of usage, but feel free to…
All I can answer for you is that I’m a guy, and I don’t object to anyone calling me or any other guy a dick. For the rest you’ll have to ask someone else.
I was thinking maybe Sioux City had its own march that day, but I can’t find any evidence of it, so maybe you’re right.
Is that Des Moines? That’s not in the district in question.
I didn’t mean to indict any one person who felt compelled to remark on Weaver’s candidacy, rather it was the uniformity and rapidity of the criticism pointed toward Weaver that struck me as odd.
There’s no law that says he has to have a presidential library, it’s just a recent convention that feeds their egos. If he winds up in the federal pen there might not be any desire for a Trump library. It would just be filled with copies of his stupid book anyway.
Oh, he could be. But Ryan and McConnell think he’s a useful idiot.
A person cannot be illegal, it is not against the law to exist.