Allah is my co-pilot

I’m not trolling, I’m pointing out to you that a protected class does not do what you think it does.

The right to travel freely is something the Supreme Court has specifically identified as a constitutional right contained within liberty.

When the Supreme Court tackled this before, it was restaurants and hotels and buses at issue. “Common carriers,” the types of business that one cannot avoid doing business with when traveling. Allowing hotels and restaurants to refuse to do business with people was essentially the same as refusing those people the

It’s easy to just say fuck this guy for being a homophobe... but honestly, baking a cake really is a First Amendment speech action. It isn’t really extraordinary for a baker to claim that they’re communicating something with their food... I’ve yet to see an episode of Chef’s Table where the subject didn’t wax poetical

I want to know that if my neighbor gets cancer she can get treatments and not bankrupt her family and I don’t really like her that much.

Haha that’d be great!

It’s because white supremacy is a natural (not in a good way) response to identity politics. The entire premise is just to pick your sides and dehumanize the other. Neither groups rely on objective truth.

Isha is literally the reason for idiots to see the Alt Right as a good thing. Mostly because the alt right holds the exact same views regarding identity politics. They just have different views on who should be at the bottom.

It stars Seth MacFarlane. He’s distracting to look at, some uncanny valley shit and I feel like his lips don’t line up to his words;

It’s blame whitey time.

Her face book rant was racist. Rather then posting about her disbelief in the social construct of whiteness or blackness, she wrote in away that assumes that these constructs are real. Up above she says they don’t exist, then justifies the existence of one with the other, then says whiteness was created for this

Good. Fuck hIM.

You’re the best friend a MAGA choad could have.

Why would I brush up on the ideology of a black supremacist? To better understand Bergdorf’s racism?

What a stupid ugly bitch

I think she’s right. But she was hired as a “brand ambassador” to L’Oreal and they’re allowed to choose that her incendiary method of expressing herself isn’t how they want to represent their brand.

Norm is on it? I was already planning on watching it because Seth McFarlane is actually really funny no matter how much internet people like to bag on him(best Oscar host in a long time, that’s for damn sure), but Norm really sells it for me. Woot!

aha, freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences of that speech, as it is so often pointed out around here

Her job is to sell makeup and shit to the public - the whole public. Being controversial in any way is a bad business decision. In what world would anyone feel sorry for her?

Sometimes speaking your mind has consequences.