Allah is my co-pilot

I know it has nothing to do with the story, but... honestly, how does someone get so fucking fat? No wonder they’re stuck in poverty and have a multitude of health issues.

I was that high-achieving student. I went to an Ivy League school for my Masters

This. An awful lot of arrogance and smug moral superiority, even now, after being shown what that hubris gets you. I’ve really about had it with the Left. They’re the reason why this bullshit is happening. Not Trump, not his voters.

“ehhh....his “scary” novels are not good (or scary IMO) but his short stores (that i have read) are sooo good. he should stick to that.”

Should people who come over undocumented face some kind of consequences for technically breaking the law (and that consequence can be something like a fine before getting them on a citizenship pathway)?

I was that high-achieving student. I went to an Ivy League school for my Masters. And guess what? I’m still undocumented.

Look, let’s be serious, DACA was not a sustainable policy nor was it meant as one. It was a stopgap measure that needed to transition into a real pathway to citizenship, and never did. And this begs a much bigger question: What should our immigration policy be? Should we have total open borders? Should we have a

Same. I am guessing, in this specific instance, girl got hella paid. Because Sheen wanted to go age appropriate, to rehab his bad boy image (LOL), and thought she showed incredible range in Showgirls...

Poor Gina Gershon. I’ve always loved her and have always thought she’s deserved better than what Hollywood craps out to her. Sure, she’s not the best actress. But she always comes off as charming and magnetic, at least to me.

I disagree. Holding a good example to make a case for a cause goes a long way than holding up a criminal as a martyr.

I blame everyone involved, and as I began my comment, I never thought about Obama’s possible mistakes here.

what exactly do you want?

You’re right. There’s no capacity for nuance, considering multiple thoughts or exploration of unintended consequences. So silly of me. Let’s just keep making the same mistakes, in service to the cause of holier-than-thou moral and ideological purity.

Maybe I’m missing something (I’m not a writer), but I really don’t get this. Countless women have written (in detail) about their own sexual experiences - why can’t male authors take that as a starting point to write scenes that read halfway plausibly?

I haven’t thought of it this way before, but does Obama share some blame here?

Yep. It just removes the inhibitions and gives him the courage to put all that gross, dark shit that lives in his mind on paper.

He absolutely has not read the book

because Rich is apparently becoming obsessed with It and/or King. Also, after his review of the movie made many question whether or not he had actually read the book he’s trying to pretend he did by quoting text in a new piece.

Yeah, I can’t believe the whole of western civilization hasn’t collapsed because fiction authors write fiction. FICTION.

I don’t think he’s a terrible writer. He doesn’t torture the English language in the way that the Dan Browns of the world do. As you say, he’s a great story teller. He has very noticeable tics that he falls back on all the time but damn if he isn’t better at keeping me turning pages than anyone else.