Allah is my co-pilot

When I think Lady Bird I think Hank Hill’s dog.

Hell, what part of the history of any country on the planet isn’t racist?

New flash: the root is racist AF

Yes, in retrospect, we really should have picked our own cotton. The country, as a whole, would have been much farther ahead by now.

The Good Place had the best first season of any comedy since at least Arrested Development, maybe ever.

when you get a little bit older, you will like anyone who is willing to talk to your fossilized ass..

Same- I have two olders and one 11 year old and am now weepy when I watch toddlers play. It reminds me of when one of my kids (at 3) was so blissed out that I let him have a churro that he hugged the stranger lady next to him. I was apologising to the woman, who was wearing a suit etc, as my kid dug his little sugary

I never liked kids. I had my own kids and I liked them and some, but not all, of their friends. I’d be in their elementary school and other moms would be ooooing and awwwing over other kids and I was always like, eh, they’re mostly fine and some are wee assholes. Never thought they were cute, never wanted to be around

Isn’t Kinja where Obama was really born?

Worst ever you say?

that is funny to me because his other hand is enveloped in a device which is designed to do what this bare hand is not.

30 rock is the greatest television sitcom of all time. Tracy Jordan singing ‘I will always love you’ is my favorite version of that song.

That is awesome. My only complaint is that the true fascist pig will only wear SS black.

Jim and Pam are overrated. Dwight and Angela, especially during the last season, are way more interesting, and their relationship is fairly neglected by the show.

Picking between 30 Rock and Parks would probably be like picking between one’s own two children.

Pittsburgh is fast becoming a testing ground for all sorts of progressive activism. Best part, it is always mixed with the pragmatism of our industrial roots.

My mother was an RN, trained during WW II. The patient comes first. She gave a Colonel’s bed to a wounded sergeant flown in from France. When the Col. returned and raised hell, she said, the patient needed a bed, you did not. For the rest of her Army “career” (1 year) she was known as “No Rank” Keane, because she said

pretty fucking sick of the word mansplain.

My sister is a nurse practitioner. Her job is very difficult, stressful and at the same time she finds it rewarding because she saves children’s lives every day. I cannot express how angry this story makes me and I only wish his firing is the least of the repercussions he will face.