Allah is my co-pilot

People she killed are still dead. All sorts of criminals deserve a second chance, I just don’t think someone involved in a cult mass homicide is one of them. Her victims can never be whole again because of her.

Of course she’s a model prisoner. Doing everything someone tells her to do is...kinda her wheelhouse.

50 years is life in prison. Life with the possibility of parole means that maybe you can die free after serving your time. And that’s the sentence she received.

She helped murder 7 people if that’s not worth life in prison than what is?

Why do you think it is OK to exploit undocumented labor like that?

Yeah, she did it 50 years ago, who cares anymore!

Are we supposed to feel sorry for her?

The Manson murders have reached iconic, mythic status. That’s pretty much it.

The brutally murdered not just adults, but a pregnant woman who begged for her baby to be spared. This is so sad. Just like a pregnant woman is not allowed to be put to death by the state until the baby is born, the murder of a pregnant woman from other citizens is especially disturbing.

Nope. Sorry. Can’t get behind paroling someone who stabbed an innocent person in a culty fit

Gee, John Waters...thanks for your opinion. I’m sorry that Leslie Van Houten fell under the spell of Charles Manson and that she was young at the time...but a life sentence is her punishment and that should be that. They BRUTALLY murdered people and she should never be free from the punishment of it.

I bet all the builders in Houston are going to be so thrilled to pay a living wage to Americans to rebuild Houston. That will be a big first for this President who i am sure has never ran any operation without undocumented labor.

His response was to ignore my request for an explicit statement of support

This. Less crying, more doing whatever it is you do.

Why does your sexual orientation need to be part of your work life? It shouldn’t define you as a person, for one thing, and it shouldn’t be a topic of conversation at work. Do your job, go home, get paid. Period.

I pretty much never ask coworkers about their partners. I have no idea if anyone is LGBTQ or not.

Is that bad?

Yes, I saw that. Just looks like like a family gathering to me.

Only white women——— Kinjas very own HATE_SITE!!!!!