This is truly a milestone.
This is truly a milestone.
I had a professor in college that used to say (this was back in the 1990s), "the computer is only as good as the person sitting in front of it." The holds true with photography whether digital or film. In fact, it holds true with any medium you're using.
Why did you lop off the the top of the image?
I have tried to quit and it never took. If this gets approved by the FDA, I will in line to get it.
When you're writing, hold down "shift" and then "enter" that should drop you to the next line without publishing your comment.
Richard Preston writes some great non fiction books on much of this. I highly recommend his work.
I turned off most of my alerts because I know to check email and texts every so often. In terms of games I check them when I'm on the couch watching tv after work and Sparrow: AMAZING!
This concept of organ printing isn't too far off in the future: []
I just don't understand why something so useful isn't included in the iOS 5.
getting away from this numbering thing would be best.
I think it's cool, but just like those scarves in the shape of face beards was cool too, total d-bags wore em and wondered why people stared. This is far cooler tho.
I wish they'd bring back the old iPod function of holding down on a song title and it would move to a playlist. Perhaps now they can take it further and while holding that song title a pop up menu or sorts can come up and you can place said title in a specific playlist folder.
another hipster douchebag item. sheesh.
The problem is, this makes sense to some d-bag high-ranking executive at Verizon and only his/her team for knuckle heads. They don't care and never will of what the consumer would can understand or like. Customer service doesn't exist; and what's worse, if you think you can't understand this, how do think some…
L.G.R. (Liquid Gamma Radiation), It's the Bee's Knees
I wish the native iPhone email app wasn't so lame. I feel like I'm using email from 1995.
NSA is far more secret than CIA.
Alternatively, taking garlic supplements that are odorless (odorless is achieved by aging the garlic before it's processed into a supplement) are best. Odorless for other humans not insects. :)
You sure are!
Wow a whole twenty dollars? What is this, 1950?