
I read that comment of Jason's before I saw last night's episode. When read the comment it seemed legit, but after last night I think he's just yet again not owning up to his own BS. And from what I read elsewhere, a lot of the actual conflict wasn't even shown on the show.

I'd be willing to bet that if Jason had appeared to be more accepting and willing to collaborate, Len wouldn't have micromanaged the insertion of that line. Len doesn't strike me as a micromanager at all. I'd like to hope that most reasonable leaders are that way - they'll only jump in if you have given them

If you look at her Buzzfeed interview, she basically says she turned into a stuttering mess partly because she wanted to strangle him (LOL). She pretty much admitted her failings if you ask me. But I found it disturbing - it must be tough to criticize yourself like that so publicly. The bittersweet sting of being on

I understood it, I just wish she had approached the conversation differently. She was too angry - I'm just saying, it's fuel to the flames of people who aren't trying to hear that. I guess it wouldn't have mattered to them how she said it, but the whole thing made me cringe.

Thank you!

She said I SEE A PATH to do the stunt the way you want. That it was in work. It was a strategy but in no way was it confirmed either way.

She said she sees a PATH to do it his way. Here is the transcript!

OMG. Reading is Fundamental, People! Did you not read the review???? Go back and read it again. It was clearly a miscommunication on both ends.

Then why do producers get to go accept the award for Best Picture????

I guess you didn't read the story above.
Let me share with you: When Effie comes to him and says she’s robbing Peter to pay Paul in order to get him “close” to what he wants for the stunt, he interprets that as meaning the flip is still in play.


And I dare anyone who hates Effie this much to back and watch Season 1. I do think her reaction was over the top on the butler thing but I totally understand it. She is quite emotional and in your face, but that's so much better than producers who give you rope to hang yourself and don't ever confront things directly.

Oh Marc the snake has scruples?

And the United States is quite rape-y thank you very much.

You should take a look at any report on women in science and technology. Gender bias is so prevalent yet subtle, most women end up leaving. Yeah right that doesn't exist. You see it all the time - idiots of a majority in charge. In a technical organization, it's about how confident, macho, and accepted you are. Not

Did you hate the evil line producer Pat Peach (season 1) as much as you do Effie? You'll have to rely on selective memory I'm sure.

Am I the only one who thought the original "arrangement" seemed hinky in the first place? Too easy.

Unless there's a shootout. Then they're Super Cops.

Brienne never catches a break.

Reddit seems not so bad depending on the group/show. The only issue for me is the discussion isn't all that in-depth at times.